Scenes broken?

So I have a new problem that I was hoping was some bug that recently got introduced.

I have some scenes for one room that all show the same color when activating them. In fact, they just show the last color (they are RGB HUE bulbs) when testing different scenes.

If I create a new scene, I also have trouble saving the AREA. Once I pick an area in the pulldown, it sticks, but when clicking SAVE it disappears. If I try a different area, then that works, then I can change it to the right area and that then saves. Weird behavior there.

Anyway, for the lights, my old scenes seem to be working fine, but it’s when I create a new scene that I see this problem. I go through all the motions to create a scene, save it, then when testing it works. But then if I pick a different scene, when it loads the old colors from the first scene load. In fact, every new scene always just shows the last colors from the last time the bulbs came on.

Hope this makes sense and maybe it’s a known issue… not sure.


Hi Dennis McEntire,

Scenes may behave differently than you think.
Plug this into your search engine and see what others have found out. scenes save color

I am fairly certain it’s a new bug from a recent update, as I have been using scenes for my HUE lights for many years without any issues.

This problem just surfaced, and it’s just for one room (no idea there) and new scenes that I create.

Someone already opened an issue