Scheduler card/custom component

This is the same for me – when using the scheme, the conditions don’t appear when going back into the schedule (they do show up consistently for singular time-based events).

The condition seems to be triggering correctly, however – there’s just no way to see which conditions have been set or edit them.

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Ok guys I need to ask probably silly question…but I’m struggling this all day :stuck_out_tongue:
The only group that I can create schedule are thermostats

Even with almost 10 power plugs, some hue/deconz lamps etc. I’m pretty sure that other entities/groups where available after installation od scheduler component (over HACS). Please help where to look, what to change…

Phew - glad it’s not just me - I thought I was going mad!

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hey together

since the last update, i can’t select anything anymore …

Hi @neliss - I hope you don’t mind me tagging you, but wasn’t sure if you saw that someone else (@stx21) also has the same issue - conditions not showing up on schedules using schemes. You can add them, and we think they seem to work, but when you go back in you can’t see them. Can this be fixed?

Thanks, and keep up the awesome work - love this component!

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@neliss this solution doesn’t work anymore

I got the same thing just now!
That means i can work on a fix.

Which part doesn’t work exactly?

There has been a bug reported regarding this.
You can still edit in YAML, but the UI editor would disappear in some cases (you see an error in your browser logs)

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@DerekO @stx21 @Kabala @alessandro.bardi try updating to the card to V2.0.4.
If this doesn’t help, please post the issue in GitHub with some details to help me reproduce the case.


@neliss Just happened to see the update come through and updated immediately – seems to be working just fine now! Thanks for the quick turnaround!

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Same here - just updated and tested and working fine now! Great service as always! :slight_smile:

I upgrade scheduler-commponent from 2.2.1 and scheduler-card from 1.9.4 to lastest version and now I have empty cards in gui, when I try make new schedul I also see empty cards. I restore old versin and it is working ok.
Have You idea how to upgrade?
HA version 2020.12.7.

Great component.

Just wondering if there is a way to get the Name of schedule input under options to show up in the schedules summary?

It seems use anauto naming format. If there are a lot of similar schedules, it becomes hard to decipher which one you are looking for.

Auto-Name: Toy TRV thermostat: Turn Off
Options Name: WFH TRVs off


Yes, you can configure this with display_options.

It seems use anauto naming format. If there are a lot of similar schedules, it becomes hard to decipher which one you are looking for.

For multiple entities the entity naming is reduced to the number + entity type, to keep the text short.
For single entities the friendly name of the entity is used unless otherwise configured by customize.

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I have an automation to switch the schedule on/off when i enter the eco-mode of my climate system. But when i enable the scheme there happened nothing.

Please elaborate. Screenshot of schedule?

when i click on a schedule, for editing or deleting, my browser freeze, I can add schedules.
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Issues go on GitHub.

A small presentation of the scheduler in french…


Hi everyone! i have a problem when i add scheduked card in HACS frontend.

I find “scheduled card” but when i click install, it returns " Errno13 Permission denied"
