Scheduler card/custom component

No, under the states section. They’re stuff like switch.scheduler_a9c4e1.

Nothing like that in STATES

Then I think you lost your previous schedules in the upgrade. You’ll have to recreate them :man_shrugging:

What happened to the default config and why does it not show anymore at step 9?

Because @neliss forgot to add the functionality back when scheduler-card was migrated to typescript.

Every light entity and device has a name added. It finds all the switches fine.

I just made a new release that should fix this problem.
Could you try to upgrade to the new version, see if the problem is solved?
Please make sure to refresh the browser cache, you should see the updated version number (v1.2.2) in the console log of the browser.

I just made a new release that has provisions for translations.
However, it will require a some community effort to get multiple languages in place.
Could you check out this file and fill in the translations for your language?
You can either create a PR for the added file or just send me a message and i will add it. Thanks.

Unfortunately the new 1.2.2 version is now not doing anything when I click Add Item. Same error as before.

Try reloading. Do ctrl+shift+r, and then ctrl+r, and then try again.

I don’t believe upgrading to v1.2.2 would solve anything for you.
Not sure what is the problem that you are facing. I cannot reproduce it here.

I added a conditional check to the card on line 186 (in the compiled JS) and it now works, but the switches text is blank:

function ns(t) { if (t) {return t.replace("_", " ")} else {return t} }

I believe it’s the PrettyPrint function:

Okay, that makes sense.
The big question that remains is why your group has no label.
Since you see the ‘flash’ icon the group is related to the switch domain.
If you don’t provide a name yourself, the name should become same as the domain.
The only case I can think of is you provide an empty string as name for the group yourself, by means of configuration. :thinking:

It’s quite strange, as I don’t have any switch groups and not added any custom names for domains.

Adding in a console log for userconfig when it is constructed shows that name is undefined. Where is this taken from?

Found a typo in my code that explains it all :innocent:
It will be solved in the next release.
Sorry for the troubles.


Hi there another suggestion, it would be nice to allow or date as well as time

What do you mean? You can already say which days to trigger on.

Sorry i mean like if i wanted to something to come on at certain times of the month or year like holiday lights etc over christmas

I created a pull request with German translations.

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Thanks for your really great work, I was already looking for something like this! For domains: light it is working like a charm, but as soon I add switch to domains, then it’s not showing any group/entity anymore, basically if I click on “ADD ITEM” nothing happens… Any advise? Thanks again!

Try a hard refresh, it fixes most stuff. Can you share your full config?