Scheduler card/custom component


I could add extra properties or change formatting in the schedule entity attributes if that helps you.
The card now uses websocket communication to fetch the configuration, so the attributes are only there for convenience for the user.
There is no need anymore for encoding all info in a short string either.

Please create a feature request in the scheduler-component repo with a proposal for the change.

how can I test the new tags options?
I have compiled the current card github package to js. and overwritten the current js in my hacs folder. but not getting to see the new options, I have added to card yaml tags: myTestTags tried with discover existing and without, it just behave as the release version, do i also need to update the scheduler component to the pre release?

Tags functionality will be part of the upcoming v2.2.0 release.

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Thanks , I just thought that when I compile the current package from git Iā€™ll get itā€¦

just asking, any estimate time frame when we can expect next release?

actually, I just had to uninstall the hacs version i had of the card and the scheduler, so I got tags working.

thanks Neliss for this great project,

I temporarily disabled the Scheduler integration to debug slow HA startup times. It wasnā€™t scheduler, so I re-enabled it again, but all my schedules have disappeared!
Where were they stored? How can I get them back?

Phew - I think Iā€™ve managed to get this back by restoring .storage/ from backup. Surely it shouldnā€™t have deleted this just because I disabled the integration though?

Reloading the integration causes the schedules to be wiped completely.
This is actually recently changed, next version will allow you to perform reloading without losing any data.
To be honest Iā€™m not sure what HA does when you click ā€˜disableā€™.
Disabling the schedule switches is harmless, but perhaps ā€˜disableā€™ triggers the reloading underwater.

I just tried the disabling of the integration locally, for me no data was lost. But this could be because Iā€™m running a newer version then latest release. file is indeed the file which holds all configurations, as long as you keep a backup of the .storage folder (should be part of a snapshot), you will not lose anything.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Thank you for fixing it. Your current releases today solved this problem.

I am having the following error after executing the ā€˜run_actionā€™ service.

Error handling message: Unknown error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/", line 185, in handle_call_service
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1492, in async_call
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1527, in _execute_service
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 665, in handle_service
    await service.entity_service_call(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 658, in entity_service_call
    future.result()  # pop exception if have
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 843, in async_request_call
    await coro
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 695, in _handle_entity_call
    await result
  File "/config/custom_components/scheduler/", line 463, in async_service_run_action
    (slot, ts) = self._timer_handler.current_timeslot(now)
TypeError: current_timeslot() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

I have a switch (powerplug) which I want to start every 3 hours during 30s and let the possibility to be controlled Manually with a toggle for the switch and via the scheduler (integration and card) for controlling the planning.
I"ve created a script to allow the switch to turn_on when execute and turnoff after 30sec.
When I integrate this script in the scheduler, it works, but everytime I restart HA, it execute the script because we are in the period of execution even if it has been already execute 10-20-30min before.

Sorry about this. It was accidently broken in the v3.2.0 update.
I already know the cause of it and will make a new update soon which restores it.

After restarting HA the schedule will indeed trigger the actions of the current timeslot, this is normal and in many cases (but maybe not yours) desirable.
If you donā€™t want this, you have two options:

  1. You can modify the schedule and add extra timeslots in between without actions. The timeslot having action to trigger the script only needs to be lasting 1 minute in your case.
    I know it can be hard to make it very narrow, I am working on an update which allows you to ā€˜zoom inā€™ to allow more precise timeslot planning.
  1. You can turn off the schedule after it runs an action, turn it back on later. Perhaps you can even create an automation that turns off schedules on shutdown of homeassistant, turn them back on when they are allowed to do stuff again.
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This is a great card/component, and I was happily surprised to see it automatically offers the option to set a temperature, when used to control a climate entity. However, I would also like to be able to just switch it on, without changing the temperature (that could have been set manually).

Is this possible? Thanks!

The climate.turn_on action is not showing up automatically in the card, since it is an action that 9/10 users wouldnā€™t use (I believe), but rather set to heat at X degrees.
You can add additional actions to the card with YAML by following this procedure.

Sorry for a stupid question, but for some reason I have two Set Temperature buttons when Iā€™m editing the schedule :slight_smile: Is this a thing or I am missing something really stupidā€¦

Absolutely love this scheduler card. I currently use it for our heating system to set heating temperatures throughout the day.

One thing I wasnā€™t sure about is what the current best practice for turning off the heating when everyone is out of the house (based on presence detection) and then resuming the schedule when someone arrives back.

What are people doing for this?

One option I see is to turn off the schedule, set the thermostat to off when everyone leaves. When they arrive I can turn the schedule back on but how do I set the thermostat back to the temperature that it is currently scheduled for? (it will likely wait till the next time slot before updating the temperature again).


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Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm!

Itā€™s recommended to use the time schemes, and define the desired temperature for any moment of the day.
If you leave the house, you can turn off this schedule and turn off the heater as well (by automation).
When you return you can turn on the schedule, the action of the time slot which is then overlapping will be (re-)executed.
This is also described in the documentation.
I think this will work well for your application.

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Got it, thanks for confirming.

Ah excellent, that was the bit I was missing (that it would re-execute), I must have missed it in the docs.

Appreciate the fast response and the awesome component! Will send a coffee your way :coffee: :slight_smile:

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Man, Iā€™m blown away by what this card can do! I was looking for some kind of scheduler for HA and found your card, but honestly itā€™s a lot of more than I was expecting :slight_smile: Simple yet powerful. But, as always - the more you have, the more you want. And so, Iā€™m looking for a way to show temperature parameter on schedue with display_options. My action name is ā€œSet temperatueā€ and it allows user to choose desired temperature with slider. My scheduleā€™s display_options is set {name}: {action} so I see Workdays: Set temperature in 2 hours which doesnā€™t tell me all that much :slight_smile: I would like to to see Workdays: Set temperature 23Ā°C in 2 hours instead. Is it possible to achieve this somehow?

{action} is supposed to give ā€˜set temperature to 23Ā°Cā€™ (or a translation of it), if you use the built-in ā€˜heatā€™/ā€˜set temperatureā€™ actions.
If you use some customization to overrule the built-in actions it probably gives a different result.
If this is not the case, I would be curious to know why not. Please open a bug report for that with additional info such as the configuration of this schedule.