Scheduler card/custom component

Hi! I’m using the scheduler for all my radiators and it works great. I only have one question. When I create a schedule I can set a name under ‘options’. This name is being shown in the in Entities sections and looks good, but in Lovelace only the name of the used device is shown. This is OK when I use a single device (although setting a own name would be nicer) but when I user multiple devices the card shows for example ‘2x climate’

Since I have multiple radiators I cannot really see which schedule is which group of radiators and I first have to open the schedule to see which one I need to edit.

Is there a way to show the name you gave the schedule in the options also in the card in lovelace?

The card is working perfect except for one thing.
I have my vacuum cleaners set to start at 08:00 each working day (works great).

However, every time I restart HA they start cleaning :confused: I guess this is due to the fact that scheduler checks if the “switch” should be on or of…
Any way to prevent this from happening on a specific task?


Hi there, is there a possibility to integrate Shelly H&T as temperature sensor + Shelly 1 PM as switch for a heater?

I tried it but I’m not really sure if it is working at all…

Yes, you can choose to show schedule name rather than entity name+action by setting display_options.
I’m working on an update where schedule name is displayed by default, and entity name+action is used as fallback (in case no custom name was assigned to a schedule.

If you configure schedules via timeslots, the action which is currently overlapping is executed when the schedule starts. This described in the documentation.
If you only want to send a trigger on a fixed time, don’t use timeslots (or make them very short).
It is OK to leave empty timeslots (i.e. without assigned actions) in between.

This is not really related to scheduler, but you can do so via generic_thermostat.

Thanks! Name option works perfect.

thanks, i’m using generic_thermostat for some months now. Will integrate this into your component. Thanks!

Is it possible to configure a on/off schedule with sunset and a fixed off time? I would like to configure some Christmas lights (go figure) to turn on at sunset and then off at 01:00, no need for them to be on until sunrise. Right now I have two schedules; one to switch on, one to switch off.

Hi all!
it is possible to know WHERE (in which file) the Scheduler card/custom component store user settings (i.e. time-slots / temperature etc.)

Not yet. Its high on my to-do list though, since this is been discussed for almost a year now. See here.

In the .storage folder in the HA config directory, filename

Thanks for the quick and effective response.

It seems to me that the “” file has the structure of a .yaml file.
If so, is it possible to edit it directly?

Thanks in advance.

It is not recommended but certainly not forbidden to edit the yaml file. Just be aware that this file will be directly loaded by scheduler (on the next restart of HA) and no config validation is in between, so a typo may result in loss of a schedule or crash of the integration.

Thank you so much


For some reason the X to cancel a new schedule is transparent. opera_YhW9Jbg4nP

As you can see the button is there when going over it with the mouse, but it’s not visible. On mobile this is problematic since there is no way to know there is something there. Can you fix this?

You can, by updating the card :wink:

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You’re right, it’s fine in mobile not on desktop. Those damn caches got me again.


do you find a solution for TS0601 and Scheduler Card ? i have the same issue that heat = valve stays open 100%, because well…it is in heat mode

Dear neliss,

basically you are right but with the model Tuya aka TS0601 it works like this:

Off=valve is permanently kept fully closed
Heat=valve is permanently kept fully open
Auto=valve is regulated according to preset mode

Preset modes (sorry if some incorrect information provided, this is my best knowledge):
Auto - temperature is maintained according to programmed schedule (points in time, hours, workdays/weekends)
Boost - valve is kept fully open for time defined as boost_time (in secs), then returns to auto mode
Comfort - valve constantly maintains temperatured defined as ‘comfort’
Eco - valve constantly maintains temperatured defined as ‘eco’
Holiday - valve maintains temperature defined as away_preset_temp for away_preset_days, then returns to auto mode (usefuly when you leave home, yuo want to keep low temperature whilr you are away and you want to return temperature to normal before you return)
Manual - valve maintains fixed temperature set manually on the valve as current_heating_temp
Complex - temperature is maintained according to programmed schedule but one changed the current heating temp so temporarily temp set manually is maintained. Valve will return to schedule on next scheduled time point (think of is as temporary deviation from programmed schedule).

do you have a way to implement it somehow in your addon ?

Yes, I know that TS0601 does have different mode behaviour than HA defines.
You should keep it in ‘auto’ mode and stay away from the ‘heat’ action in scheduler card, since it sets the mode to ‘heat’ together with setting the temperature.
Instead you could set only the temperature, and just set it to a very low temperature when you want it to be off.
In case the ‘set temperature’ action is not showing up in the card, you can add it via customize (yaml-only feature).
If you want to suggest a change in the card to make this more user friendly, please open a GitHub issue about this.

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Hello neliss,

I will open a GitHub issue then so everyone can benefit. (Never opened one before but trying my best, maybe @binaryMind can open one).

I LOVE this scheduler card. It’s great.
However, when executing one script, the option “EXECUTE” is there…but…when scheduling multiple scripts, “execute” is gone, and only “ON” or “OFF” are available. Small thing I thought I’d report.