Schlage BE469NX added, but not locking/unlocking

I just added this same lock to HA after removing it from ST. It works but painfully slow. If I click the (un)lock link nothing seems to happen. I click several more times amd (maybe) the door will (un)lock. Its really a hit and miss. If I am persistent I can get it to work but most certainly not in an acceptable manner.

How is it working for you?

Same for me, it is slow and I feel that the status of the lock is not accurate. Reason why is I had Node Red checking the status of unlocked, then it should lock after 5 minutes. When I manually send unlock it works, but when I unlock the door manually it would not pick up the state. Now I’m using the contact sensor on my door and that has been working fairly well since my kids can’t ever remember to lock the door.

I’m trying to install the lock manager now, but having trouble with that. Have you installed it?

Just about to give up and re-include it with ST. It was a bit slow in that environment as well but it was at least workable, Of course, excluding it from HA and including back into ST is a problem of its own. I ave done several factory resets but once included back into ST it no longer works :frowning: Battery shows 0% and the lock icon is disabled.

I thought about doing that too, but with the classic app going away and having too keep the hub online for just one device was not worth it at least for me. I think I was using a custom device handler as well in ST. I never moved to the new app, made the move to HA.

Well I did move to the new app and now actively pursuing an alternative. Been using HA along side of ST for sometime now but I would like to jump in all the way. For now I’ll stick with the easy stuff such as Hue, door sensors etc. The door lock might have to wait :slight_smile: