Schlage Connect ZWave Locks

No problem, glad to help. I’m hoping eventually that can be fixed within OpenZWave (or HA) but haven’t had time to dig into that.

I noticed you set a network key by using the code ```
$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc ‘0-9A-F’ | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 | sed -e ‘s/(…)/0x\1, /g’ -e ‘s/, $//’

Thank you for this,

I was successfully able to add my Schlage Century Connect and can lock/unlock from Home Assistant.

How do I add/delete user codes from HA?

Would love to know if this is possible through HA as well. I currently use SmartThings to add/delete/assign codes.

There absolutely is, I have this up & running

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Oh wow, had no idea… Thanks for sharing!

Just make sure you read all the instructions thoroughly. I had an issue where I couldn’t change codes but I found the naming of the lock entity was wrong in the instructions. Look towards the bottom and you will see my posts.

Make sure you exclude the lock from Smart Things then factory reset it before adding to HA. Also make sure you generate the secure network key

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