Schlage Encode Plus

Has anyone had any luck yet?

I have the same issue with the integration accepting my login but no locks are discovered. hopefully this is resolved at some point

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I’m also having the same issue.

I was able to get the locks to show up in HA by removing them from Homekit, adding the locks to the Schlage app (and connecting via wifi in the schlage app), and then using the Schlage app to enable the locks in Homekit. I have 3 locks functioning in Home Assistant and have full Homekit functionality (like Apple Key) also working. If you added the locks directly to Homekit the first time as I did, I think that is why they aren’t available to the HA integration. Hope this helps.


i am not able to get the integration to show up…any suggestions? I don’t think I’m adding the folder to the correct spot

How did you manage to pair it through the HomeKit Controller in Home Assistant? Whenever I try to add it, it just fails and then goes to this screen?

Weirdly I have two options appear, one listed as ‘Enc’ (Encode I guess) and Encode Plus:

I initially got the lock on WiFi by using the Schlage app and I have tried adding it to Apple Home (successfully), then removing it from Apple Home (but not the Schlage App), where it then appears to Home Assistant under the HomeKit Controller, but no luck.

I factory reset the lock, added it back via the Schlage app, then tried adding it to Home Assistant via the HomeKit Controller, still no luck.

I ended up in the same work flow as you @LondonBenji . I get the same unhandled error when trying to add as HA Homekit Controller device.

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Oddly, now I keep getting the following showing up periodically:


Wild stab in the dark, it’s in reference to August locks? But their parent company is Assa Abloy, and Schlage is someone else isn’t it?

Unless this is someone else’s device that my HA is detecting? But it would have to be on my WiFi network wouldn’t it?

I got it to work with my Encode plus. I initially set it up via HomeKit. Then in the Schlage app I selected connect to Amazon Alexa. That step sets up the WiFi. Once the WiFi is working you can skip adding it to Alexa. Then just reload the Schlage integration and the lock should show up in Home Assistant

Hey, what Schlage Integration are you referring to?

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Got it working! Thank you very much! Now I can make sure my door is locked and alert if it has been left open!

Check the above few posts!

Is the schlage integration local or needs to cloud?

Right now, because the Encode Plus won’t work through the Homekit integration, the integration a couple of posts above is the only option, and it’s cloud dependent, since it’s using Schlage’s cloud API.

I setup a local-only integration between the Encode Plus and Apple Home. After some tweaks it’s been working great for ~6 months.

This “manual” sync of the lock state between HA and Apple Home allows for locking and unlocking the lock from Home Assistant, and for the lock status to change in HA when it changes in Apple Home.

The lock is paired with Homekit in Apple Home, so that I can use the Home Key feature of the lock.

I have an Apple device that acts as an Apple Home hub.

The benefit of also running the Schlage integration in HACS is to get the lock battery % into HA.

Template lock:

  - platform: template
    name: Front Door Lock
    value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.front_door_lock_status', 'on') }}"
      service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_unlock
      service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_lock

Helpers – input booleans

Home Assistant Automations:

alias: Front Door Lock – actions – unlock
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_unlock
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 20
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
        - input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_unlock
mode: single
alias: Front Door Lock – actions – lock
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_lock
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 20
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_lock
mode: single

HA Homekit Bridge

  name: "HA Bridge YAML"
        - input_boolean.front_door_lock_status
        - input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_unlock
        - input_boolean.front_door_lock_action_lock

Apple Home Automations:


How do you get it into HA from HomeKit? Also, what device are you using as an Apple Home hub?

How do you get it into HA from HomeKit?

HA exposes 3 input booleans (switch helpers) to HomeKit. Automations configured in Apple Home set the state of the status helper, and react to lock state changes in HA via the “action” helpers. Please see the final section/screenshot in my earlier post for a summary of the 4 automations involved.

When the lock status changes on the Apple Home side (e.g. unlocked via the knob), then the Apple Home automation sets the “lock status” switch (e.g. to off).

When the template lock on the HA side changes (e.g. unlock is requested), then an Apple Home Automation that is watching the “action unlock” helper switch acts by unlocking the door.

Also, what device are you using as an Apple Home hub?

HomePod Mini originally, because it’s the cheapest. I later got a recent Apple TV, and wish I had gone straight for the Apple TV (because I am using and the camera generates sooo much WiFi traffic when the HomePod Mini is the active hub).

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Ahhhhh, sorry, yes I see now, you’re not directly integrating the lock, you’re essentially using virtual switches and automations to sync them between the HA side and the HomeKit side.

I am glad I bought the 128GB/Ethernet model of the Apple TV just last week then, I was considering a Home Pod but I hate WiFi, so out of principle I got the Apple TV, even it is just going to be an expensive “hub”.

All good, glad to help! That’s exactly right :smile:.

/offtopic follows :wink:

…Apple TV…expensive “hub”.

Yep, the HomePod Mini is sitting in a corner of my office now, muted (I long-ago standardized on Google devices for voice control and whole-home audio [for better or for worse]).

I really want to like the Apple TV as a streaming device vs. the Chromecast w/ Google TV. The Apple TV interface is snappy vs. the incessant UI lag on all of Google’s devices. But my family has found it annoying to browse content on iPhone and not be able to “cast” it onto the TV with a couple taps…so the Apple TV is relegated to a secondary role…

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