Script is NOT running

Anyone know how to check for this ?

Related to this “feature” request (may already exist!)

Basically a way to provide a pathway to two different options after a button press depending on whether the button has been recently pressed or not.

In HA, I would be check for this in a template condition.

Why cant you use a if condition combined with else like this

      - script.is_running: my_script
      - logger.log: Script is running!
      - switch.turn_on: relay

Thanks - that’s precisely what I want to do - I just didn’t know how with Esphome YAML but it looks like @sheminasalam has shown the way - thanks - I didn’t know an else condition could be used here with Esphome

Sam what is this choose: function you’ve mentioned twice ? :slight_smile:

I removed it as initially I didn’t realise this was about esphome… it’s an option for ha scripts and automations