Script repeat question - using repeat.index gives an error

He is the OP of this thread, so he is aware of the issue.

I’m rolling back now to 0.112.4 and will build a test environment where the logs are less “chatty” to try and pin point the issue.

I see on the package thread (My Garden Irrigation) that other users are also experiencing this.

I have not yet finished the changes needed for the ‘new scripting’.

As he said, pnbruckner

Please don’t expect him to!

I will be fixing the package I wrote as soon as I can. I hope that will be tomorrow.
See the thread for the package for further info.


@klogg Thank you - Never was my intention for pnbruckner to do it :flushed:

I was under the impression after the bugfix was applied that the package will continue to work - I apologise if I offended anyone, was not my intention. I appreciate both your & pnbruckner’s assistance with all of this.


Hi! Is there still a problem with this variable, or is my code at fault? I’m still getting the value undefined error. I’m running CORE 2024.3.3 AND OS 12.1. I can do this another way, but was curious if this is still a bug. Thanks for any help.

alias: Reminder Announcement
  - repeat:
        - service: tts.cloud_say
            cache: false
            entity_id: media_player.nestmini9041
            message: "{{message}}.  When finished, tell google, \"Mischief Managed!\"."
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 10
            seconds: 0
            milliseconds: 0
        - condition: state
          entity_id: input_boolean.reminderanouncementswitch
          state: "on"
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{repeat.index <= 30}}"
mode: single
      text: null
    name: Message
    description: The Message to speak
    default: Reminder Announcement
    required: true
`Preformatted text`pe or paste code here