Script that incriments Dimmer brighness_pct value from 1 to 255?

Hi Everyone,
I just purchased a Zigbee dimmer module in which have discovered that the ‘Transition’ parameter is not compatible with my dimmer module :frowning:

I am trying to achieve an effect when press the ‘Play’ button on my remote, the lights gradually fade down, and similar, when l press the ‘Pause’ button, the lights will gradually fade up.

Would someone be able to kindly share a basic script(s) that they have used to gradually increase the brightness and similar, decrease the brightness interval e.g. 0-255 over 30 seconds?

The other alternative is to find another dimmer module that supports the Transition parameter for light globes which l have been unable to find i.e. only LED dimmer modules available here in Australia.

Thanks in advance!

Here is a thread that should help

Thanks! however, in this script that you have kindly linked, he is using the ‘Transition’ parameter which does not work / not compatible with my dimmer module, therefore this script will not work in my case

I am totally new to HA but l would have thought there be some sort of script that do something like this

For x = 1 to 255
Brightness_pct = X
Delay 400 ms

I know the above is not possible for HA but l would have thought there is another way to increment the brightness without using the inbuilt (non-compatible) Transition parameter


There is and it involves using repeat

FWIW, given a choice, it would be better to have lights that support transition natively. Home Assistant sends far fewer commands to the device compared to the technique you’re considering to use.

brightness_pct ranges from 0 to 100 (because it‘s percent).

Thanks and agreed, it would be great if my new module did support the Transition feature as would make things much easier

3A Smart Home DE LXN56-DS27LX1.3
Model: HGZB-02A +
3A Nue Smart Light Dimmer (HGZB-02A) - Zigbee Device

Thanks for reap link
Funny enough, l saw this yesterday and inputted the first script into my HA and got the light to turn on and off 3 times. However, being totally new to HA (3 days in now) l can seem to work out how to reconvert this increment (or decrement) the brightness_pct value over a 30 second period- Would this be something that you could help with please? I am happy to shout you a virtual beer :slight_smile:

You might want to examine this script which is designed to fade a light that doesn’t support transition. You can specify the desired brightness level and transition period and the script takes care of the rest. To be clear, I didn’t invent it, I just simplified it (and converted it from an automation to a script).


The reason why it’s more complex than merely a simple repeat is because it can compute the appropriate number of steps, and their duration, in order to perform a fairly smooth transition from any existing brightness level to any desired brightness level.

Excellent!! Thanks for share this

It kind of worked but l found in my case similar another poster that doesn’t increase the bright to 100% and the same for the decrease in brightness i.e. it does reach to zero. I found that if l clicked on the ‘Call Service’ a number of times it eventually reached to end.