Of course…ugh. Thank you! So, now I have the proper Action def, but still nothing. It’s showing that the script has been called, but no audio. Stepping thru the trace output, it is definitely seeing the target entity as ‘Playing’, but for some reason the target list of players to resume is empty. The result is that the stream stops, not TTS action occurs, and the stream does not resume at all.
So the first trace was with SiriusXM, and I did notice that there was no stream info.
This one is even stranger. dpaste/hzUAq (Python)
This one is for TuneIn Radio (porch_speaker is the target), and it shows idle. but I can clearly hear the music playing, and the TTS message is played, then no resume.
This one was triggered by the automation. Try disabling the automation if you start the script yourself. I’m working on a new version where I remove the automation and simplify calling the script. But I haven’t found the time to finish it.
Data still seems to be coming from the automation. Could you check if the automation indeed ran and send me the trace from the automation?
And maybe turn the automation off?
(2022.8.0) Removed support for Music Assistant. The integration is broken for a couple of months already, and the new version is still in beta. Will look at it again if the final version of MA2 is released
New features
Added support for resuming BBC streams (BBC Sounds and BBC Iplayer (for players with a screen))
Bug fixes
(2022.8.0) Fix bug in target determination
(2022.8.0) Actually use the correct setting for enabling the automation, so now setting this to false actually works.
Hey hey— Loaded 2023.8.0 and TuneIn now works!!! Goes to a commercial after every message, but that’s not your problem. THANK YOU
SiriusXM however still does not work. Music is never interrupted, but when I stop the Sirius stream manually, then the message or messages play. → dpaste/5w9us (Python)