You could not find documentation because it did’t exist.
I have set up a new repo for my custom components with appropriate documentation in case somebody wants to contribute and maybe later can be merged into HA.
You could not find documentation because it did’t exist.
I have set up a new repo for my custom components with appropriate documentation in case somebody wants to contribute and maybe later can be merged into HA.
@andrey So I pushed it into the main repo, but it was refused. We should use sensor.template
was answered.
Never mind I still think it is useful and will continue using it as it’s easier and looks cleaner in config.
I made a PR to @pilotak repo recently which gets the friendly name of the original entity, if you don’t specify any friendly_name in the attributes config.
merged yesterday…
Creating a template for each battery is a ballache.
Creating a value template for icon is even more… especially with sensors with batteries. I have 20-30 batteries to track.
Thanks for this I will give it a try…
@pilotak maybe make a small note that it has to go into custom_components/sensor/ i bumped my head into this thing, since it was my first component and the first topic it was also in custom_components/ directly. Could not find install instruction of the .py itself in your repo so not sure if you wanted it there.
Is this script suppose to get battery from device_trackers to?
I have this:
- platform: attributes
friendly_name: "Batteries"
attribute: battery
unit_of_measurement: "%"
- device_tracker.matte_api
- device_tracker.asa_api
- device_tracker.cod_api
The device_tracker have this attributes:
"friendly_name": "Asa_Api",
"latitude": xx.xxxxxx,
"battery": "41",
"source_type": "gps",
"longitude": xx.xxxxxx,
"gps_accuracy": 0.2,
"entity_picture": "/local/tasker.png"
But my sensor.asa_api_battery gets this:
State: unknown
"unit_of_measurement": "%",
"friendly_name": "Batteries"
@pilotak: A nice adition to this is Howto create battery alert without creating a template for every device although the nice side of that template is that it automaticly picks up all the battery powered devices. I don’t know if that is possible in your script too? That would save creating a list of devices for the attribute. Just a thought, might help others too, alerting if low is nice to have.
P.s. using templates to create what you made imho i don’t see how that would be done anyways.
I had a quick look at the automations, what a clever way to do! anyway i’m working on different custom component at the moment so i don’t have much time to alter attribute sensor. But it is set in Github so anyone willing to contribute is welcome.
How do i exclude an entity?
Hi Awesome component been using for a while, I have added about 40 battery powered sensors since so was glad to see you have modified the original code to add a whitelist.
I updated the code and added to my config.yaml but I get this error…
Invalid config for [battery_state]: required key not provided @ data['platform']. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at
snippet of config
- sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0001a6469f_battery
- sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0001b704f9_battery
- sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0001b70953_battery
- sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0001b7acc5_battery
- sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0002019ae3_battery
- sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0002019b2a_battery
Hi guys… This is my code, acording to this post - I am using it to show Ikea Tradfri dimmer battery… I have the battery state but in badge, and I would like to have it in a list and remove the badge…
But I am getting the error below… Any suggestion?
Unable to find component sensor.attributes
- platform: yr
- platform: attributes
friendly_name: “Batteries”
attribute: battery_level
unit_of_measurement: “%”
- sensor.boravak
- sensor.blagovaona
- sensor.kuhinja
- sensor.hodnik_ulaz
- sensor.kupaona