Searching for multiple strings (OR) in google_calendars.yaml

I’d like to integrate some events from a particular google calendar. There are multiple unrelated events in the calendar but I want to filter on 4 specific all-day events.

In this instance they are “B1”, “B2”, “D1”, “D2”.

Is there a way to combine all those searches into a single entry in google_calendars.yaml, something logically (not syntactically) like this?

- cal_id: <MY_CAL_ID>
  - device_id: found_event
    ignore_availability: true
    name: Found Event
    track: true
    search: OR("B1","B2","D1","D2")

or is it going to have to be all separate and then make use of multiple triggers for the automation, like this:

- cal_id: <MY_CAL_ID>
  - device_id: found_d1
    ignore_availability: true
    name: Found D1
    track: true
    search: D1
  - device_id: found_d2
    ignore_availability: true
    name: Found D2
    track: true
    search: D2
  - device_id: found_b1
    ignore_availability: true
    name: Found B1
    track: true
    search: B1
  - device_id: found_b2
    ignore_availability: true
    name: Found B2
    track: true
    search: B2

Or should I just use a single calendar entity and then do a conditional template filter on the automation

- cal_id: <MY_CAL_ID>
  - device_id: all_events
    ignore_availability: true
    name: All Events
    track: true

Happy to hear all ideas. Thanks!

Did you ever found a solution?

Would love to know too if you ever figured this one out.

To my knowledge OR condition for search parameter is not supported at YAML for Google Calendar definition.

Your idea with the template condition should work, you can define multiple search terms connected with OR.

Please compare here: