Seeed XIAO ESP32C3 not usable so far with ESPHome?

While it looks “easy” to port functions from the “classic” esp32 to a esp32-c3 for example - it is not! :warning:

The device share names but virtually have nothing in common as they feature completely different processors :point_down:

  • The ESP32 features a (quite old) Tensilica Xtensa LX6 processor which as today has very over 7 years of active software development and is in a very mature state

  • The ESP32-C3 features a (quite new) RISC-V processor which has kind of nothing in common with the “classic” ESP32 beside both being 32-bit. It is around for about a year and the software support is still in active development.

What unifies them is that for both espressif is commitment to make them work with the esp-idf - still at this point only the “classic” esp32 benefits from years of development and improvements while the “newcomers” still have a long road ahead :railway_track:

Maybe “at least” use them as (the :pinching_hand: tiniest?) BLE Proxies in your home?

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