@AlexPotter yep mines working but only the outputs, no control…
Debug on and Logs say: This error originated from a custom integration.
Logger: magiqtouch Source: custom_components/magiqtouch/magiqtouch.py:274 Integration: Seeley MagIQtouch (documentation, issues) First occurred: February 20, 2024 at 12:01:24 (14 occurrences) Last logged: 09:34:28
Failed to set value properly:
This error originated from a custom integration.
Logger: magiqtouch Source: custom_components/magiqtouch/climate.py:166 Integration: Seeley MagIQtouch (documentation, issues) First occurred: February 11, 2024 at 16:35:11 (68 occurrences) Last logged: 10:44:00
Updating the state failed, will retry with login: <class ‘custom_components.magiqtouch.exceptions.UnauthorisedTokenException’>() Updating the state failed, will retry with login: <class ‘aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError’>(Cannot connect to host tgjgb3bcf3.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com:443 ssl:default [Try again]) Updating the state failed, will retry with login: <class ‘AttributeError’>(Access Token Required to Check Token) Updating the state failed, will retry with login: <class ‘TimeoutError’>()
I started working on a modbus interface a while ago with an esp32 when the normal integration broke for me.
I’ve got it working but haven’t built out the home assist integration yet.
If anyone wants to use it i’ve documented it here.
Hi @MrH592, stumbled on this thread and your GitHub repo and wanted to clarify something about your project.
I have a Braemer evap cooler (LCQi450) installed with a MagiQtouch controller - No wifi kit, just a direct connection to the unit. The controller is like the one in this YouTube.
Am I correct in thinking that your ‘project’ described at the GitHub repo, is something that can be installed in between the MagiQtouch controller and the unit in the roof and it will give me a simple browser API method of controlling the evaporative cooler? Without the need of any of their WiFi modules or phone apps.