Yes you’re right. If a scene that contains playback is used, playback starts immediately after the scene is activated.
Default HUE scenes have this behavior if they have multiple colors. If I create my own scene, it works as expected because it doesn’t have playback.
This behavior doesn’t happen with the, now being depreciated, old way of calling Hue scenes using the hue.hue_activate_scene method.
In fact, I now see in the developer tools it has an optional V2-API boolean parameter “dynamic” that you can give to activate the dynamic behavior.
IMO it appears that this parameter is missing in the current scene.turn_on command, or a default behavior where this is not activated.
Yes it works, but you get a warning in the log.
Use of service_call 'hue_activate_scene' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use scene entities instead
I assume that in the new V2 way of calling the scene it will be fixed because now I could consider it a mistake. But if that’s not the expected behavior?
Good news: I wanted to open an issue on GitHub about this, but just found out it is already being worked on, with default behavior being not to activate the dynamic scenes:
Philips Hue v2 When using scene entities dynamic is always set to true · Issue #61554 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
Conclusion: for the short term you can still use the hue_activate_scene (with warnings) while for the permanent fix in scene.turn_on this will be fixed in the next major release next year.
Thank you for the information.
changed my scene selector template to:
template: |
{% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group_v2')|lower|replace(' ','_') %}
{% set ns = namespace(scenes=[]) %}
{%- for s in states.scene
if hue_group == s.attributes.group_name|lower|replace(' ','_')%}
{% set ns.scenes = ns.scenes + [{'entity':s.entity_id,
'name': s.object_id.split(hue_group +'_')[1]|capitalize|replace('_',' ') }] %}
{%- endfor %}
which makes use of the attribute group_name
and by using that simply evaluates whether the selected hue_group is identical to the group_name…
no more convoluted template to compare eg group Dining with group Dining table, and select appropriate scenes (and list their names, without the group prefix)
should have thought of that before tbh…
taking that 1 step further, and using the new |slugify
filter allows to do:
template: |
{% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group_v2') %}
{% set ns = namespace(scenes=[]) %}
{%- for s in states.scene
if hue_group == s.attributes.group_name%}
{% set ns.scenes = ns.scenes + [{'entity':s.entity_id,
'name': s.object_id.split(hue_group|slugify +'_')[1]|capitalize|replace('_',' ') }] %}
{%- endfor %}
here’s some additional pictures for the season:
added some niceties to the cards (scrolling, anchors) and initial support for Dynamic scenes (activate/deacitvate/speed/brightness) which shows on the condition Dynamic scene are available for the selected group. Before activating Dynamic scene, record state of lights on the fly (works with the template!), and restate those when stopping the dynamic scene.
so full config working now is:
type: entities
title: Set Hue scenes
show_header_toggle: false
style: |
.card-header {
background-color: var(--background-color-off);
color: var(--text-color-off);
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px;
ha-card {
margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px; /* create space before next card in view*/
- input_select.hue_group
- type: custom:fold-entity-row
card_mod: &scroll
style: |
#measure {
max-height: 300px;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
type: section
label: Regular scenes
card_mod: &label
style: |
.label {
margin-left: 0px;
<<: &config
padding: 0
no_animation: true
- type: custom:auto-entities
card: &mod
type: entities
style: |
ha-card {
box-shadow: none;
margin: 0px -16px;
show_empty: false
template: |
{% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
{% set ns = namespace(scenes=[]) %}
{%- for s in states.scene
if hue_group == s.attributes.group_name and
s.attributes.is_dynamic != true %}
{% set ns.scenes = ns.scenes + [{'entity':s.entity_id,
'name': s.object_id.split(hue_group|slugify +'_')[1]|capitalize|replace('_',' ') }] %}
{%- endfor %}
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.selected_hue_group_has_active_scenes_available
state: 'on'
type: custom:fold-entity-row
#card_mod: *scroll
type: section
label: Dynamic scenes
card_mod: *label
<<: *config
- type: custom:auto-entities
type: entities
style: |
ha-card {
box-shadow: none;
margin: 0px -16px;
.card-content {
max-height: 250px;
overflow-y: scroll;
# list with scenes, without the group name, to have better frontend presentation
template: |
{% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
{% set ns = namespace(scenes=[]) %}
{%- for s in states.scene
if hue_group == s.attributes.group_name and
s.attributes.is_dynamic == true %}
{% set ns.scenes = ns.scenes + [{'entity':s.entity_id,
'name': s.object_id.split(hue_group|slugify +'_')[1]|capitalize|replace('_',' ') }] %}
{%- endfor %}
# list with scenes and their full name, including the group name
# {% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
# {% set ns = namespace(scenes=[]) %}
# {%- for s in states.scene
# if hue_group == s.attributes.group_name and
# s.attributes.is_dynamic == true %}
# {% set ns.scenes = ns.scenes + [s.entity_id] %}
# {%- endfor %}
# {{ns.scenes}}
# Initial support for (de)activating dynamic scenes
# Hope to change to button toggle
# Maybe only show when Available and active
- input_select.hue_dynamic_scene
- input_number.hue_dynamic_scene_speed
- input_number.hue_dynamic_scene_brightness
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.selected_hue_group_active_scene
state: 'off'
entity: script.activate_hue_dynamic_scene
icon: mdi:play
action_name: play
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.selected_hue_group_active_scene
state: 'on'
entity: script.deactivate_hue_dynamic_scene
icon: mdi:stop
action_name: stop
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.hue_groups_dynamic_scening
state: 'on'
type: custom:fold-entity-row
type: section
label: Currently scening group
card_mod: *label
<<: *config
- type: custom:auto-entities
card: *mod
show_empty: false
- attributes:
dynamics: true
# {{states.light
# |selectattr('attributes.dynamics','eq',true)
# |map(attribute='name')|list}}
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.hue_groups_dynamic_scening
state: 'on'
type: custom:fold-entity-row
type: section
label: Currently scening lights
card_mod: *label
<<: *config
- type: custom:auto-entities
card: *mod
show_empty: false
- attributes:
dynamics: dynamic_palette
- type: custom:template-entity-row
entity: >
secondary: >
{% set x = ['unknown','unavailable'] %}
{% if states('input_select.hue_group') not in x %}
{% set object = states('input_select.hue_group')|slugify %}
{% set group = 'light.' + object %}
{% set bri = state_attr(group,'brightness') %}
{% set rgb = state_attr(group,'rgb_color') %}
{% if states(group) == 'on' %} Bri: {{bri}}, Rgb: {{rgb}}
{% else %} Off
{% endif %} since {{relative_time(states[group].last_changed) if (states[group]
and states[group].last_changed not in x) else 'Initializing....'}}
{% else %} Not yet set
{% endif %}
toggle: true
- type: custom:fold-entity-row
type: section
label: Automations
card_mod: *label
<<: *config
- entity: automation.auto_populate_hue_group_input_select
secondary_info: last-triggered
- entity: automation.auto_populate_hue_dynamic_scene_input_select
secondary_info: last-triggered
necessary back-end code:
# Inputs
# need at least 1 option for the config check, which will be overwritten during startup
name: Select Hue group
- Alarm
# initial: Alarm
name: Hue Dynamic scene
- 'Alarm - Tyrell'
name: Hue scene speed
min: 0
max: 100
step: 10
name: Hue scene brightness
min: 0
max: 255
step: 10
# Templates
- unique_id: selected_hue_group_active_scene
name: Selected Hue group active scene
state: >
{% set select = states('input_select.hue_group')|slugify %}
{% set group ='light.' + select %}
- unique_id: selected_hue_group_has_active_scenes_available
name: Selected Hue group has active scenes available
state: >
{% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
|selectattr('attributes.is_dynamic','eq',true)|list|length != 0}}
- unique_id: hue_groups_dynamic_scening
name: Hue groups dynamic scening
state: >
{{states.light|selectattr('attributes.dynamics','eq',true)|list|length != 0}}
# {% set select = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
# {% set group = states.light
# |selectattr('attributes.friendly_name','eq',select)
# |map(attribute='entity_id')|join %}
# {{is_state_attr(group,'dynamics',true)}}
# Scripts
alias: Activate Hue dynamic scene
mode: restart
icon: mdi:power
- condition: >
# first record current state of lights in the selected group
- service: scene.create
scene_id: before_dynamic_scene
- >
{% set select = states('input_select.hue_group')|slugify %}
{% set group ='light.' + select %}
- service: hue.activate_scene
dynamic: true
speed: >
brightness: >
entity_id: >
{% set select = states('input_select.hue_dynamic_scene')|slugify %}
{{'scene.' + select}}
# {% set select = states('input_select.hue_dynamic_scene')%}
# {{states.scene
# |selectattr('attributes.friendly_name','eq',select)
# |map(attribute='entity_id')|join}}
alias: Deactivate Hue dynamic scene
mode: restart
icon: mdi:power-off
- condition: >
- service: hue.activate_scene
dynamic: false
entity_id: >
{% set select = states('input_select.hue_dynamic_scene')|slugify %}
{{'scene.' + select}}
# reset the lights to the state before the dynamic scene activation
- service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.before_dynamic_scene
# - service: light.turn_on
# data:
# profile: relax
# target:
# entity_id: >
# {{'light.' + states('input_select.hue_group')|slugify}}
# {% set select = states('input_select.hue_dynamic_scene')%}
# {{states.scene
# |selectattr('attributes.friendly_name','eq',select)
# |map(attribute='entity_id')|join}}
# Automations
- alias: Auto populate Hue group input select
id: Auto populate Hue group input select
mode: restart
platform: event
event_type: delayed_homeassistant_start
service: input_select.set_options
entity_id: input_select.hue_group
options: >
# expand(integration_entities('Philips Hue 1'))
- alias: Auto populate Hue dynamic scene input select
id: Auto populate Hue dynamic scene input select
mode: restart
- platform: event
event_type: delayed_homeassistant_start
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.hue_group
service: input_select.set_options
entity_id: input_select.hue_dynamic_scene
options: >
{% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
Please confirm which card you currently use for this yaml?
Thank you, your work is excellent sir.
not sure I follow, this is the whole card?
The new slugify
filter is such a blessing for umlauts people!
Turns code monster like
options: |
{% set phrase = ['…','Aus'] %}
{% set x = states('input_select.hue_gruppen2')|lower |replace(' ', '_') |replace('ä','a') |replace('ü','u') %}
{{ phrase + state_attr('light.' ~ x, 'hue_scenes') |list |sort }
options: |
{% set phrase = ['…','Aus'] %}
{% set x = states('input_select.hue_gruppen2')|slugify %}
{{ phrase + state_attr('light.' ~ x, 'hue_scenes') |list |sort }}
Thank you for inspiration!
nice use of the hue_scenes
attributes. Now how to use that and pick only those that are dynamic… we have to resort to my more complex namespace construction unfortunately?
During the migration to v2 I asked to have a list of entity_id’s too, but that wasnt allowed (because the api doesnt return entity_id’s, only names. And the HA integration directly forwards only what’s in the api, no own constructions.
Would have been easy otherwise ;-(
Yes, I would also like to get to grips with the new possibilities.
Maybe something like
{% set x = states('input_select.hue_gruppen2') %}
{{ expand(device_entities(device_id('hue_bridge')))
|selectattr('attributes.is_dynamic','eq', true)
|selectattr('attributes.group_name','eq', x)
|join('\n ') }}
(have to get in deeper)
changed that to
{% set x = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
{{ expand(integration_entities('Philips Hue 1'))
|selectattr('attributes.is_dynamic','eq', true)
|selectattr('attributes.group_name','eq', x)
|list }}
and it shows the list of dynamic scenes, but that would be identical to expand(states.scene)
which is a bit more efficient, since it disregards all lights
in fact we dont even need the expand(states.scene)
there and can suffice with states.scene|
which is what I use in the package above
Yeah, there are several roads that lead to Rome. I love the dynamic scenes, so for me there’s no need to differentiate, but it’s nice to know how
I don’t use auto entities card - the loop is necessary for it?
yes, because when using the filter template: one can not set options, other than in that template. So, I needed to create the list of names (I didnt want the group name to be listed) and made that somewhat more complex template in for loop namespace, resulting in:
and not show:
as is still in the input_select for the scenes…
So I am confused. I like that I can activate scenes in HA, but none of my scenes appear to activate as dynamic (meaning the color DOES NOT change).
What I would like to do is learn how to activate a scene so that it is dynamic from Node Red?
Is there any attribute I should look out for?
sorry, not using NodeRed, so I wouldn’t know how to help out
Ok. How do you make a service call to activate a dynamic scene in HA?
templates needs a small adjustment nowadays:
{% set hue_group = states('input_select.hue_group') %}
in dev templates we otherwise get:
although the Frontend still works as expected