Send message with items from shopping list

I assume that this doesn’t work because of the new line that is added (content += u"\n") at the end of the script even if the shopping list is empty.

Ok, then your advice with length should work. But I can’t find the documentation of “length” even here
How should I write that?

I don’t use a lot of templating but try this:

- id: '1530354314132'
  alias: What to buy
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: zone
    zone: zone.zoo
    entity_id: person.gayane
    event: leave
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ states.sensor.shopping_list.state | length >= 10 }}"
    service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
      message: "{{states('sensor.shopping_list')}}"

Thank you that works. And

"{{ states('sensor.shopping_list') != 'To buy:' }}"

should work too, I just was triggering automation manually and that is why conditions was ignored

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I’m a little confused. If it’s working, fine, but I don’t see in the Python script where it’s outputting a first line of 'To buy:'. Also in the picture of the States page you showed sensor.shopping_list and it had something in a completely different alphabet.

Sorry, I am just constantly changing “to buy” to russian word and trying different things. In the end, as I understand Issue was only in me, because I was triggering automation manually and that is why condition was ignored

So maybe I’m too late too the party, but I figured out the sensor part with the following jq statement:

- platform: command_line
  name: shopping_list
  command: "jq length .shopping_list.json"

It removes the dependency on the .py file to parse the json + you get the amount of items in your shopping list as a number.


This is only giving you the number of items, but after some trial and error I found this jq string who gives me only shopping list that are not ticked “complete”.

  - platform: command_line
    name: shopping_list
    command: "jq '.[] | select(.complete==false) | .name' .shopping_list.json "

Now I just need to find a way to send this to my phone as a message, since I don’t have access to HA outside of home and if you click or clear the notification it get’s lost forever

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The HA Android App doesn’t require remote access to your instance for sending notifications as it is based on Firebase, for iOS I don’t know.

Indeed notifications arrive to the app even when not connected (just tested now by disabling wifi on my iphone), the problem is they are just notifications and you accidentally click on them you lose them, let’s say I’m in at the supermarket and I want to check the list, I don’t want to lose them and I don’t have access to my home assistant dashboard.
I think I will try to link it with a telegram bot

You can make the notifications sticky so you can’t just wipe it away.

Hey, guys,
Sorry if I’m a total noob, but I can’t get this to work:
I’m trying to get the number of items in the list as a number (as you, @Thumbleweed, built), but filtering for those that are not marked as completed (as @djlorenz built)…

Has anyone figured out how to retrieve the length of a filtered down array?
The closest I got was with the following:

  - platform: command_line
    name: "Shopping List"
    unit_of_measurement: "items"
    command: "jq '.[] | select(.complete==false) | .name | length' .shopping_list.json"

But it ends up returning the length of the string of each uncompleted item (number of characters of each uncompleted item), separated by a space.

Thanks, guys!

I got it! Hahaha

It was quite simple once I started working/testing through the terminal instead.
Here is the code:

  - platform: command_line
    name: "Shopping List"
    unit_of_measurement: "items"
    command: "jq '[.[] | select(.complete==false) | .name] | length' .shopping_list.json"

As you can notice, it was really just about arranging the results from the filter into an array that is afterwards checked for how many objects it has inside.

Hope this is useful for someone!

  - platform: command_line
    name: shopping_list
    command: "jq '.[] | select(.complete==false) | .name' .shopping_list.json "

That is working perfect for me. thanx very much!

But I have a cosmetical issue:

the email I receive all items listed in quotation marks like this:


Is there a way to avoid sending the Quotation marks?

in my automation I use following script:

  - service: notify.dirk
      message: '{{states.sensor.einkaufsliste.state}}'

would be very nice to get it like this:








It would be easier to read, wouldn’t it?

How to avoid to get the message text in the email with Quotion marks? And with space between?


Add option -r to jq command, example:

- platform: command_line
    name: shopping_list
    command: "jq -r '.[] | select(.complete==false) | .name' .shopping_list.json"


not working. When option -r is added the email has no content and is completely empty

Here is the implementation I went with. It includes both complete and incomplete items (in separate attributes), and uses the length of the incomplete list for the state.

  - platform: command_line
    name: Shopping List
      - complete
      - incomplete
    command: "jq -r '{complete: [.[] | select(.complete==true)], incomplete: [.[] | select(.complete==false)]}' /config/.shopping_list.json"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.incomplete | length }}"

I tested all the answers here, but i get all items on one line. Did you get it to work ? :slight_smile:

@dale3h How can I then translate the attributes into a string list to send with notify?

I know this is an old thread, but if not helpful to you anymore, @Marcus_Lundblad and @Legromorph, it might be for others.

This does both of what you wanted to do, it joins the items into a string and puts them on separate lines:

{{ state_attr('sensor.einkaufsliste', 'incomplete') | join('\n') }}

And this is my sensor, based on @dale3h’s code, but only picking the item names:

  - platform: command_line
      name: Einkaufsliste
        - complete
        - incomplete
      command: "jq -r '{complete: [.[] | select(.complete==true) | .name], incomplete: [.[] | select(.complete==false) | .name]}' .shopping_list.json"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.incomplete | length }}"