Send SMS with USB GSM modem when alarm triggered

Can you share an amazon link to buy a SIM800 hardware?

At this point, I recommend that anyone using SIM800 hardware to either change the hardware in the list of modems known to work or disable the SMS integration.

This seems to be a known issue, I will add a note to the documentation that SIM800 is incompatible with gammu and HAOS.

This is it

It worked quite fine before the August update of HA and the Supervisor.

Thanks, I have placed an order in Amazon, I will use it to debug the problem on my end.
In the meantime, please try not to receive SMS or change the dongle.

I have updated the docs to reflect that modem SIM800C does not work at the moment.
Can someone review the doc update PR and approve it?

I managed to run my SIM800c v2 on rPi4 after many attempts and errors.
So here is what I have done-hope will work by you too.
1-remove the integration from HASS
2-Remove any gammu package , daemon , etc that could be installed automatically by apt. Or just better remove everything. We will install them from scratch.
3-apt-get install libgammu-dev libgammu-i18n libgammu8 python3-gammu
4-Because I use HASS core:

  • sudo -u homeassistant -H -s
  • cd /srv/homeassistant
  • source bin/activate
  • pip install python-gammu==3.2.3
    That is because lower version is installed by default. not the latest one.
    After that exit the virt. env. and do the following:
  1. #apt-get update
  2. #apt-get upgrade if you have not updated the system. This should update you to kernel 5.10.60.xxxx
    7.apt-get install rpi-update rpi-eeprom
    NOW again the important bit:
    This will bump the kernel version to 5.10.63.xxxxxx
    After all this reboot the system and install/setup the SMS integration.
    I have tried this on 2 rPis (4th) and works.

SIM800c (not the 800L) is ready to use USB - gsm modem and it should be the simplest and easiest solution to use. No unlocks no special modes not shenanigans.
Sim800c is equal (premanufactured) = SIM800L + simple usb to serial adapter connected to RX and TX to it.

Can you paste a link to where to buy the SIM800c ?

I did buy it from here:


Can confirm E3531 and K3765 working for both sms sending and receiving on HAOS after disabling virtual cd with the following AT commands:

AT^SETPORT="FF;12,10,16" for E3531
AT^U2DIAG=0 for K3765

Teyleten Robot SIM800C USB GSM GPRS Wireless Module Quad-Band, 850/900/1800/1900MHz, CH340T USB Chip Support 2G 3G 4G SIM Card USB Communication SMS Data Transmission with Antenna (SIM800C is New)Teyleten Robot SIM800C USB GSM GPRS Wireless Module Quad-Band, 850/900/1800/1900MHz, CH3


I can confirm that with the release 2021.10 the SIM800C modem works for sending and receiving.
The docs have been updated to reflect this.

If you can please report here in you are still seeing issues.




I’m hoping to get time to upgrade my system (E220 modem, crash on receive) over the weekend and will report back when I do upgrade

Hello, I am instered by the configuration of that model on Pi4. Does it require an external USB bey as Hawaei Modem ?

Hi Oscar,

great support from you!

I had not updated the Homeassistant for a long time and have now tried it successfully with core-2021.10.2/supervisor-2021.10.0/Home Assistant OS 6.4. After the new integration → deleted the old one and after I restart the Homeassistant it was automatically recognised again.
So I can confirm that sending and receiving SMS with the SIM800C works.

Attached is my configuration in Configuration.yaml (you have to change ‘MyPhonnumber’ to an existing phone number with SMS receiving capability).

  device: /dev/ttyUSB0

  - platform: sms
    name: sms_person1
    recipient: 'MyPhonnumber'

My automation to forward the received SMS to sms_person 1. I need this function because I forward the messages from my private phonenumber to the company phonenumber.

alias: read-sms
  - platform: event
    event_type: sms.incoming_sms
  - service: notify.sms_person1
      title: SMS received
      message: >
        SMS from: {{}};  Text:
initial_state: 'on'
mode: single

Also a big thanks to everyone else who makes these functions possible!

Better late than never…

I’ve upgraded my HA Container (docker, Ubuntu 18.04 host, Huawei E220 modem) to v2021.10.4 and am pleased to confirm the fix for SMS receiving works beautifully.

I’m trying to debug a new issue with 1 of my 3 sms notify services but am struggling to find a way to look at the outbound notifications (i.e. actual recipient and message used).

So far I’ve tried with:

  default: warn
   homeassistant.components.sms.notify: debug
   homeassistant.components.sms.gateway: debug

I’ve made a separate thread about it here but would appreciate any insights on how to view the actual notify service attributes.

I’ve upgraded this morning to 2021.11.3 and retested - the issue still occurs as per my separate thread (referenced in my previous post).
I still really need some guidance on how I can dig in and resolve this and would really appreciate any help.

Hi all,

How turn on or off device in HA by SMS ?


Root cause of my issue identified and raised as Unicode SMS messages not supported by some external message recipients · Issue #61488 · home-assistant/core · GitHub - it’s a lack of unicode message support at the recipient end.

React to the event.

    - platform: event
      event_type: sms.incoming_sms

Please, can yo give me a short example of automation, on/off a relay?