I have a couple of sensative strips that I have used with the old zwave integration without issues. However, with zwave JS they always appear sleeping. I have tried changing to binary report with no luck.
I have even tried adding brand new strips. The add just fine but do not report open/close and are always in sleep state.
mine show open/close only if I’m close enough to the z-wave dongle.
(when you say “asleep”, is that an “official” state I can check somewhere in the logs/setting, or just a description of the situation?)
They wake up every 24h for about one second to report in:
They do report their open / close state (binary sensor) immediately. They stay asleep during that time, which is normal behavior. I did not notice any range difference on them between zwavejs and ozw 1.4 I was using before.
Thx HeylmAlex for your input, I kept on searching. In case anybody finds it helpfull, here is my solution
Zwave JS changed the binary sensor to sth like binary_sensor.strips_mazw_access_control_window_door_is_open_…
so my old namings did not change their state in the UI
Strange that the UI did not give an entity_not_found error. It wrongly made me assume that they were working just fine
Thanks, can I ask you if your sensative strips connects directly to your z-wave dongle, or to other z-wave devices? my issue is that they don’t seem to want to connect to (closer) z-wave repeaters (fibaro dimmers in my case), but only want to connect to the main dongle, which is however too far away…
hey there, thanks for the info. I noticed too that the sensor now created a binary_sensor like you stated: binary_sensor.strips_mazw_access_control_window_door_is_open_
I am also struggling with the Sensative Strips, my setup is as following:
Home Assistant Supervised on a Pi 4
Zwave2MQTT on another Pi 4
Aeotec-Stick Gen 5
config set to binary-report
I could pair the Strips directly to the Aeotec Stick but they are always asleep (even when I move the magnet to rounded edge, simulating that a door is being closed). they are also correctly reported to Home Assistant.
I tried the following things:
reset of the Aeotec stick
multiple reset of the Strips
Nothing helped. I wonder if it is an issue with the Z-Wave plugin somehow or the Strips itself. Has anyone the same setup and success using them?
If you want to stay with your current configuration you’ll need to activate the “Any”-entity of the sensor on Home Assistant. This will show the window’s state as a binary sensor. Where true equals closed and false means opened
Lovely product when it works but they are an absolute pain to work with. They should have made the device 1 cm longer and included a recessed pressure sensitive area to manipulate inclusion, exclusion, reset and configs.