Sensative Strips changing state on first wakeup

I seem to have come across a strange issue. Each time I restart my zwave service, on their first wakeup my sensative strips change their state from off to on when they shouldn’t.

I’ve got 3 of them installed in my house and all of them seem to be doing the same thing. It only happens the first time after I restart the zwave service. If I restart it, let them change the state on first wakeup, then manually open and close the door to get the value to update, they seem to be fine afterwards. Unfortunately the next time I need to restart my raspberry pi, I have to do the whole thing over again.

I’ve got home assistant installed on a raspberry pi using the all in one script. All of my sensative strips are set to binary mode and other than this issue they seem to be functioning okay.

I think the issue may be in openzwave and not home assistant as the openzwave log says:

Node003, Received SensorBinary report: Sensor:62 State=On

When it should be reporting off. So home assistant is correctly reporting the value from openzwave, it’s just that the value openzwave is providing is wrong.

Anyone else had any issues like this?



Exact same issue when it wakes i get the below showing binary as on when it is off? i’m sure this is an issue with OZW

2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Info, Node050, Response RTT 64 Average Response RTT 136
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Info, Node050, Received SensorBinary report: Sensor:15 State=On
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Detail, Node050, Refreshed Value: old value=false, new value=true, type=bool
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Detail, Node050, Changes to this value are not verified
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Detail, Node050, Expected reply and command class was received
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Detail, Node050, Message transaction complete
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Detail,
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Detail, Node050, Removing current message
2017-07-18 07:02:05.847 Detail, Node050, Notification: ValueChanged
2017-07-18 07:02:05.861 Detail,

Nope not OZW its a software issue with the actual device, i contacted the company and they say that my device needs a software update.

That’s interesting, so do you know how to update the device, I can’t see anything on their website about it?

They said they would send me the info but I haven’t heard back yet. I assume it can be done OTA as it’s a zwave plus device


Unfortuntely it is not possible to update OTA you have to send them back to them see below response:

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for your reply.

I just returned from my vacation, that’s why was not able to respond to your email before.

We have decided to update the SW version of the Strips and also like to give you an extra Strips for this trouble that you have faced so far. The SW update only can be done in our lab. Therefore can you please send the Strips back to us along with your postal address? Please note that you do not need to send the whole package or magnets. Only the Strips needs to be sent back with an ordinary post.

That’s a bit frustrating.

I’ve got them working with an if statement in non-binary mode like the guy in this post mentions:

and they seem to be behaving as I’d expect at the moment, so I might just leave them for now. If they act up in the future though I might have to remove them all and send them back for the update.

I tried that also, problem is when they wake up they set back to 23 which is fine if the door etc is normally closed but if it’s open at the time when it wakes then this sets the state until you close/reopen

Small update here I got my strips back today with updated firmware issue is fixed now.