Sense up to 24V AC safely

“supposed to handle” is a very broad and elastic term when applied to Chinese stuff like that :slightly_smiling_face:

It won’t kill you, that’s for sure, it’s only 24V. But it could short circuit, so make sure your upstream transformer can handle that. Although unlikely, even 24V can start a fire. At least put a fuse in the circuit. But most probably it’s just going to stop working after a while, as these kind of cheap things are not rated for a high amount of switching operations before they suffer internal mechanical failure.

That is the point I was making with that statement.

I know :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure about how short you expect the bell press to be, but an ESP can easily sample in in the multi-kHz region. Alternatively you could also use an interrupt, which will trigger at the first signal change without you having to poll the pin.

Earlier today I came across a page regarding the subject we are talking here. Not in my wheelhouse, but I hope sure someone here would find it useful.