Hi there. First of all, I’m new here. Sorry.
I’ve been using openHAB for 10+ years, and have basically offloaded the majority of my home automation to Homekit, slowly phasing out my Z-Wave bits and bobs for more native components like Hue, and as mentioned, Homekit config. Mostly to simplify things.
Anyway, I do have one or two Z-Wave components still left, one such Device is a Power Socket with Energy Monitoring. Homekit doesnt seem to suppcallyort Power Consumption, and in openHAB I ended up converting the Power Consumption in Watts, as a simple number and treating it as Illuminance (lx).
Basically, I would then detect for this number, where <10 meant the items connected to it were off, and >10 the items connected to the socket were on.
I would love to recreate this in HA. I assume it’s possible, but being only a few hours into HA, I’m struggling.
I cannot fathom out if I need to do something in configuration.yaml, with templates, or if I can use Helpers to achieve the same. I thought Helper, Template from Sensor would sort it. But it’s not clear to me, what details I need to enter in the UI
Ultimately, I was the refactored entity/template, to be presentable in HomeKit…
Hopefully a quick win for someone with experience… anyone care to provide a few pointers?
It would be much appreciated!
My entity is sensor.energy_monitoring_wall_plug_electric_consumption_w