I need to determine the current active user to use as a condition for some automations.
For example, customizing TTS for specific users or limiting non-admins to only some actions.
I have looked everywhere for an attribute that I could use to create a sensor template without success.
Has anyone found a need for this or figured out how to determine the “current user”.
It exists but not in a manner that is accessible to a Template Sensor.
Let’s say you use the Lovelace UI to turn on a light and you have an automation that is triggered when the light changes state. The automation will have access to:
The user_id will identify who turned on the light via the UI. However, user_id is not the User account’s name but an alphanumeric string that serves as a Person identifier. You use it to search through all defined Persons and the matching one provides the name.
It works great for me, but not exactly the same use case you are trying to implement.
I wanted to condition automations and scripts depending on the user executing them.
First, identify the user ID. Under Settings → People->Users. Select a user and the ID will show on top.
Mine in this case is 981443365a8c4a29b1232593515471ea
With that ID, you can do something like this example. I want Google assistant notifications if anyone other than me opens the gate.
- id: "Gate Action Notification"
alias: Gate Action Notification
initial_state: true
- platform: state
entity_id: switch.gate
from: "off"
to: "on"
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ trigger.to_state.context.user_id != '981443365a8c4a29b1232593515471ea' }}
- delay: '00:00:04'
- service: tts.cloud_say
cache: false
entity_id: >-
{% if is_state('cover.gate','open') %}
{% elif is_state('cover.gate','closed') %}
{% endif %}
message: >-
{% if is_state('cover.gate','open') %}
'The Gate is Opening'
{% elif is_state('cover.gate','closed') %}
'The Gate is Closing'
{% endif %}
If each user account has a corresponding person entity, then your automation can use it to determine which user account was responsible for triggering the automation.
- service: notify.persistent_notification
message: >
{% set p = states.person | selectattr('attributes.user_id', 'eq', trigger.to_state.context.user_id) | list %}
The door was opened by {{ p[0].attributes.friendly_name if p | count == 1 else 'unknown' }}
If you don’t have a person entity for each user account then the procedure is slightly more complicated. You will first have to create a list containing each user account’s user_id and name. Go to Configuration → People → Users and click on a user’s account. A popup will be displayed containing the user account’s details.
Copy the user account’s ID and Display name (or Username).
ID: aeb3c5a538d24216b3a5eba5e8375614
Display name: Frederick
Do this for each user account because you will be using all of this information to create a dictionary for a template. The ID represents the user account’s user_id.
The following example has a variable named all_users containing a dictionary with each user account’s user_id and Display name (you will create this using the values you had copied).
- variables:
'aeb3c5a538d24216b3a5eba5e8375614': Frederick
'6c2938d872e74c84941d3c1bb3b94d0f': Louise
'3d4c14591edb4b0bacc755772dc8bd60': Harry
'232f173fba9d47ecb4d53d27bcf8e013': Susan
- service: notify.persistent_notification
message: "The door was opened by {{ all_users.get(trigger.to_state.context.user_id, 'unknown') }}"
is there a way to get the current user not using a trigger? I just want to include the current user into a MQTT payload when a button is pressed and a script is called.
The following doesn’t work, it will store the first user of the user list, but the current user could be some other person.
Thank you… I had a hard time to find the proper syntax for this.
It helps to use the markdown card to find what was the content of the variable.
I would not believed this works since there’s a capital letter in the username, but indeed, I confirm this works: person.Julien = person.julien.