Sensor history does not reflect current state

Hi everyone,
I have recently installed a few AEOTEC multisensor 6. As they are powered through USB, I have configured them properly to report statuses quite often (every 5 seconds).
However, when I look at the history graph of, for instance, temperature sensor, I do not get the right values measured (the temperature has not been that stable as shown in the graph) and most of all the most recent graph reading does not reflect the current state of the sensor (25.6° currently reported vs 25.5° reported in the graph).
Does anybody know why is that?
Many thanks!


Check your log for database errors.

Yes, I actually have some errors - I did not connect this issue to that problem. I actually made a post about issues with my database changing frequently ownership in debian here: Database files keep ownership keep being changed, do you have any idea oh how I could approach this problem?

thank you

No input in the ownership problem but that is very likely the cause of this issue.

I solved the problem by migrating to a MariaBD :slight_smile: