Sensor template not working, try to make code shorter

Hallo Guys

i have be trying to put this in my configuration but with out luck, anyone there can help me?
right now i have 24 sensors to do this, so i did try this to shorten it down a bit

 - platform: template
      {% for hour in range(24) %}
      energy_price_{{ '%02d' | format(hour) }}_{{ '%02d' | format((hour + 1) % 24) }}:
        friendly_name: 'Energy Price {{ "%02d" | format(hour) }}-{{ "%02d" | format((hour + 1) % 24) }}'
        value_template: >
          {% set raw_today = state_attr('sensor.energy_inkl_moms', 'raw_today') %}
          {% if raw_today is defined and raw_today | length > hour %}
            {{ raw_today[hour]['price'] }}
          {% endif %}
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
      {% endfor %}

I think it would help, if you showed the attributes of your sensor " sensor.energy_inkl_moms
and what you expect from you template-sensor

You cannot live-build YAML with Jinja templates.