Sensor to Check if mail is in the mailbox

I would delete the integration and reinstall it then. It may just be an authentication error.

OK, I have deleted and re-added the integration. I will see how it goes.

I use a YoLink LoRa hub for this, with LoRa open/close sensors. When I see an open and a close, I know that the mailman visited.

LoRa protocol has a 1/4 mile range. The sensors are designed for outside use.


In my last home I used a zigbee contact sensor but it ate up batteries trying to hold signal.

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We have just published our take on a very low power consumption esphome compatible (mailbox) sensor with 2 inputs.

Check ET-SW01 - A very low consumption mailbox sensor -

I am using it myself in my mailbox which has a lid and a door and use it to flag new mail and to turn off the flag when the doos has been opened (and the mailbox is emptied).

I cant find this board anywhere?

Is there a newer revision or something?

Looking for something similar 4G ESP32 low power consumption.


I have experimented with several kinds of mailbox projects :mailbox_with_mail:.
The principal challenges include power consumption, signal attenuation, and withstanding external elements.
The best solution I’ve found is the LPWAN protocol LoRaWAN, which combines long range and low power consumption.
You can now use either the Helium Network or the TTN Network, both of which are widely deployed. I’m pretty sure there’s a gateway near you.
I’ve described my projects here if you want to dive deeper into this technical solution completly integrated with Home Assitant : LoRaWAN Mailbox