ok Thank You
I´m sorry to pull out a 2 year old thread but as I´m currently optmizing my dashboard i found this gem of a template
Now I´m still a noob in templating and need help. Where do I put the “if/else” if I want basically that the template is showing me the amount of opened windows and if all are closed just a “all closed”?
Thanks for your help
{% set number_open = (expand('group.windows') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | list | count) %}
{% if number_open > 0 %}
{% else %}
"all closed"
{% endif %}
You Sir are a legend! Thanks a lot!
This is working perfectly fine for me although I need to do some adjustments and I can’t figure out how to do it.
All my room sensors are called for example “Aqara Sensor Kitchen Contact”, “Aqara Sensor Bathroom Contact”, and so on.
How can I remove the first and last part of the string so that the correct output will be “The following window’s are open: Kitchen, Bathroom”
Use python’s ability to slice a string in order to slice off the ‘Aqara Sensor’ and ‘Contact’ portions.
Or use the split
function to convert the string to a list (using a space character to serve as the delimiter) and then display the list’s third item (list index is 2).
Thanks for pointing me into the right direction.
I played around with split
but couldn’t make it work in this specific code.
did the trick for me. Here is my adjusted code for anyone who is struggling like me.
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.alle_fenster', 'on') %}
{% set openWindows = expand('binary_sensor.alle_fenster')
| selectattr('state','eq','on')
| map(attribute='name')
| list %}
{% set qty = openWindows | length %}
{% set p1 = 'Das' if qty == 1 else 'Die' %}
{% set p2 = 'ist' if qty == 1 else 'sind' %}
{{ '' if qty == 0 else '{} folgende Fenster {} geöffnet:{}.'.format(p1, p2, openWindows | join(',') | replace('Aqara Fenstersensor', '') | replace(' contact', '') | replace('ue', 'ü')) }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Another way to do the same thing:
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.alle_fenster', 'on') %}
{% set openWindows = expand('binary_sensor.alle_fenster')
| selectattr('state','eq','on')
| map(attribute='name')
| map('regex_replace', '(Aqara Fenstersensor | contact)', '')
| map('replace', 'ue', 'ü') | list %}
{% set qty = openWindows | length %}
{{ '{} folgende Fenster {} geöffnet:{}.'.format(iif(qty == 1, 'Das', 'Die'), iif(qty == 1, 'ist', 'sind'), openWindows | join(',')) }}
{% else %} {{ '' }}
{% endif %}