Sensor to open door

okej i can make a PCB later if i can make this work at the end if i want to. Now i am trying to understand what i need to buy so i can start testing and see what it will lead me to.

ESP8266 or a D1 wemos
some jumper cabel
breakout boards
a realy

think i will try the VL53L0X sensors first, but to see if will work out, if not will try the Ultrasonic Sensor

Are somthing missing?

I would stick with a wemos, since an esp is much harder to wire up (they require a usb/uart to flash with, a 3v3 regulator for power, and several resistors just to boot up
wemos has all that preinstalled on a pcb with a nice usb port to flash with). For the relay board, get these:

They run off 5v, have optoisolators, work off of the wemos 3.3v signal, and have creepage slots for safety. For the sonic sensor
 I don’t have personal experience so you’ll have to read up on what are good options. Do beware that wemos and esp are not 5V tolerant. So whatever sensor you get needs to either output 3v3, or you need to level shift it (with a resistor divider, buffer, or similar).

Edit: also, note that there are a few flavors of wemos available. Try to find ones that use the esp12f chip that is FCC certified. The 12e is also decent, but not FCC certified.

If you need assistance with wiring like a schematic or whatever, don’t hesitate to ask. I and several others are happy to help you in the learning process.

A wemos is an ESP chip.
I believe that most people that talk about ESP chips mean a board with ESP chip, not only the chip itself.

I assume you are swedish, If I’m wrong then just discard the rest of my post.
I have no affiliation with pch, but I like shopping there due to the cheap shipping.
They don’t charge you 10-15 euro for a part that cost less than 1 euro.
And they have a large selection of parts.


either WeMos D1:

or NodeMcu (with ESP12f chip):
I have only tested the WeMos myself but I assume the other will work fine also.

Relays is a bit harder to find.
There are relays that work on 3 volt but most are 5 volt or more.
The easiest way is probably to step up the voltage and use 5 volt relays, but I have never tried it myself.

And a 5 volt relay, the two channel seems to be out of stock

and then some jumper cables. Most likely you only need female-female, but I suggest you buy all kinds.
And a breadboard can be useful for prototyping, but it’s not needed. (if you buy one then you need male ends, both male-male and female-male).

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THACKS alot, never seen this site, the have a lot of fun stuff. i order it all, exept the rely. soon the fun part can begin:D yay i did go for for the wemos, i hava a nodemcu esp8266 at hom. but cant have enough elektronic:D

Do you really need a sensor?

Why not just open the door when the mower state changes to started or returning?

That could work if it’s local control.
But if it’s cloud polling with say a minute between each poll then it could be too late.
Or if you restart Home Assistant at the wrong moment.

If you make sure this ESPHome chip does everything local then it should be fine.
Except if you loose power and the lawn mower goes back to base and the doors can’t be opened due to no mains power.

dont know how i can get that info from the mower, and how to control isan old one from 2010 AC220

if the power go, the mower will die to, so no worris about that. now i need to google to how to wire it and how to program it all. i will use Home assiset as the ground base. i am rely looking forward to this build

EDIT: will this dorely

That relay is also 5 volt.
The “new” maker standard is 3.3 volt.

I don’t know for sure, but it should not work.
You need 5 volt to get the coil to pull the relay.
That is why I linked to the step up chips, but I don’t know if there is enough current in the ESP pins to first be stepped up then pull a relay.
If it doesn’t work then I believe a transistor with 5 volt on the collector.
The base connected to the ESP pin.
And the emitter to the relay coil.

That should give the relay what it needs to trigger.

I believe I have seen WeMos “hats” with relays.
That might be a much easier solution.

Got some of all the stuff:D know what i am doing this weekend. any tip for how do to?:smiley:

i am still wating for rely. but i got one backfire
:confused: the motor and port i was going to use, the compeny is now shipping to sweden any more, so need to bulid a port some how, and find a new motor.
so got any tip for motor a port?

Modify an automatic pet door? Mount the rfid sensor on the mower and have the sensor trigger whatever motor you get? Or strip the guts and mod it into that esp8266 possibly

i was think about this yesterday, dont know if its a good idee. But know its alot of knowledge on this site.

Can i use ESP8622 to monitor the battery in the mover. So when its below 15V its sending a signal and open the door. the win i can see its i dont need alot of senors in front of the garage.
the downside is, i dont know how to controll when its going out for duty

Yes that is possible.
But not only do you not know when it’s going out, but you don’t know when it’s actually coming back.
If it’s at the far end of the garden it can perhaps take longer than you have the door open.

I believe the sensors is the least of the problems here.