Sensors for integration updates

I am searching for sensors that would report available updates for any kind of (custom) integration or community add-on.

For example right now an update for Frenk’s community Node-RED and another update for ESPHome are available. I would need a sensor that informed me about that. But I fail to find any.

The Supervisor integration exposes update binary sensors for all addons. They are disabled by default and require you to enable them

HACS has a sensor for third party integration updates.

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GREAT, thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.
I was aware of the HACS sensor and binary_sensor.updater, but did not find the supervisor entities although I did several searches.

Using the supervisor keyword to search I now also found the thread below that solved the problem through curl calls on CLI long before supervisor started to directly expose these entities. But I am quite happy that I do not have to go down the curl rabbit hole anymore.

Yeah, those supervisor API calls can use quite a bit of CPU resources too.

Yes, thought so.

I’m also tempted to activate all the *_memory_percent and *_cpu_percent sensors that Supervisor exposes together with the *_version sensors. Would give me a chance to find resource drains in my system.

But I am reluctant to do so because I also expect a negative impact on my system load when HA has to do the additional math. Do you have any idea whether I would increase system load when I activate the resources sensors?

No, I have not used them.

They are really interesting because they show load split up by integration. I.e. I will have to investigate why my Node RED load spikes every 90 minutes. I was not at all aware of that.

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