Sensors on a map

What is the best way to show sensor values on a map?
The Map card seems to only support device trackers (and persons), and Geolocation integration seems to be aimed at specific pre-defined services. It seems I could publish the sensor data as a GeoJSON (or GeoJSON Events) feed, and connect that to the map card. Or I can use the entity picture card, or the custom ha-floorplan card with an SVG map.

I think I am looking for the possibility to give sensor entities lat/lon-attributes and then add those entities to a map card, displaying those as a badge in the map: Think agricultural use (farms with IoT-sensors), pizza delivery temperature monitoring (nRF Pizza: Nordic Thingy:91 concept - YouTube), displaying weather observations on a map.

From my experience, it shows all entities having a lat/lon in it, e.g. with me this includes gas stations

Have a look at the Device Tracker See service, you can create a device_tracker from a sensor with lat/lon

EDIT: Actually this will only put a marker and not the value on the map

hi Vidar. I spent a hours to find answer how to add sensor on lovelace map.
I find answe in this thread Adding location ( latitude and longitude) attributes to an entitiy - #4 by AlmostSerious
Answer is:
If we have sensor sending data via mqtt, we can’t just add atributes latitude longitude to this sensor entyty. What we need - to create a new template sensor then add the value from the MQTT Sensor to template sensor, and then add other attributes like latitude longitude.

in my configuration.yaml it looks like this :

#first we getting data via mqtt from physical sensor 
#it cant contain attributes lat long, so we will pass its data to template virtual sensor
    - name: "Sergios Temperature"
      state_topic: "SOGD01/temp"
      #suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
#settings above produces in HAOS a soft virtual sensor with name sergios_temperature
#now we creatte a new virtual sensor via template and getting data from mqtt virtual sensor
#adding attributes latitude longitude and you can see sensor on a map 
#but it will be visible only after recieving valid data from real physical sensor via mqtt
  - platform: template
        unique_id: "sogd1_temp"
        friendly_name: "Суғд №1  Температура"
        unit_of_measurement: " *C"
        value_template: >-
          {{ states('sensor.sergios_temperature') }}
          latitude: 40.3048818
          longitude: 69.6518776