Hi, since “Garbage Collection” no longer works, my automation for the separate “garbage collection” reminder has stopped working, I’ll list my automation and kindly if anyone can tell me how to make it work
Your existing automation was designed to work with the sensor entities created by the Garbage Collection integration. It isn’t designed to work with calendar entities so you can’t simply replace all of the automation’s references to sensors with calendars.
Your automation will need to be redesigned to use Calendar Triggers. Someone else will have to help you with this because I don’t currently have available time to build it for you. As a starting point, use tom_l’s example (in the first link posted above). Good luck.
so after a bit of study…to understand something, I managed to replace “garbage collection” with calendar events to be able to manage waste separation, everything works on homeassistant, ok but now I would like to let Alexa speak, I have I created this automation but it doesn’t work, can you please help me solve it?
- id: '1'
alias: 'Avviso Rifiuto Giorno Prima'
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.date
to: "{{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}"
- platform: event
event_type: 'calendar.event_start'
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ trigger.event.data.description | regex_match('Plastica|Carta|Umido|Secco_residuo|Vetro') }}"
- condition: time
before: '12:53:00' # Cambia l'ora in base alla tua preferenza
- service: notify.alexa_alexa_cucina
message: "Domani, alle {{ states('sensor.time') }}, ricordati di portare fuori il rifiuto {{ trigger.event.data.description | regex_findall_index('Plastica|Carta|Umido|Secco_residuo|Vetro') }}"