Sequential Setup Guide for HA

I have been using HA for a few years by now. As time passed I noticed that the Logs got an increased number of Warning, Errors, etc… that got to bother, and a lot of un-wanted entities added automatically i.e uptime. so I decided to setup HA from scratch all over again.

While the User manual and videos are available, but I didn’t find a practical step-by-step manual for the best advisable method to setup HA and be able to manage the growth of it especially with the major improvements with the recent releases.

I think this might be very both new users and existing one so the users doesn’t need to go back into the same settings screen many times (at least for the MUST DOs).

This is not a complete guide as I do seek your assistance, input and/or guidance if such a guide exists.

The goals of this post are:

  • These days many homes already have multiple smart devices such as KNX, Shelly, Tuya, Sonof, etc… so once you start with home assistant your system will get flooded with many Integration and Entities at once which makes trouble shooting and getting to know the system harder right from the start.
  • Give the user a chance what is needed to be done of existing smart devices before integrating them into HA so they don’t become a burden to re-name on HA.
  • Keep the LOGS of HA clean and error free.
  • Save time on the basics so users can focus on being creative

What I kindly ask of you experts out there:

    • If there is something similar available, please point to it so this post gets closed.
    • If point 1 is not valid please feel free to copy–>edit–>re-post

Thanks in advance to all those in this community who are committed to helping others and teaching them.

Before you start
  • Read down this post and take notes of what you need to prepare/do so you read about it or at least

  • Prepare photos for:
    All photos are preferable to be in landscape orientation unless mentioned otherwise.

    • Users: Personal passport photo like or avatars or icons to represent users.
    • Areas:
    • Rooms:
    • Floorplan(s): This might be needed if you want to use Floorplan based dashboards (advanced).
  • Think of what labels you want to use.

  • Prepare a list of the names you are going to assign.

  • System installation
    • Follow the official guides for the type of installation that suits you according to the hardware you have.
  • Add-ons installation
    • Install and setup the add-ons you think you need to have. Some recommended ones are:
      • MariaDB:
      • Samba share:
  • Disable Recorder and History for all entities so the database doesn’t grow large before you get your system up and running. You can add domains, entities there as you go according to your needs.
  • Create full backups before you each major step as restore points so if you do something you don’t eventually like or causes disturbing errors you can revert to the latest restore point which saves you time to resume your work.
Useful links

This tends to answer a lot of questions…

Wow… This is exactly what I am talking about. I don’t know how I missed this!!

Thank you a Lot

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On a second thought, and with great recognition to the large efforts put into the Cookbook but still it provides guides to topics I am referring to some in this post, but what is really needed is a Sequential guide.

Thought to mention this…