Service call buttons feature widget for tile cards

I opened a feature request on GitHub discussions, but I’m not sure which is the correct place. I’m leaving here the link: Service call buttons feature widget for tile cards · home-assistant/frontend · Discussion #19205 · GitHub

I’m copying here the GitHub discussion.

Would you take into account a feature widget available for all tile cards with a button bar to call a service for each defined button. Number of buttons, icons, colours, services and parameters should be configurable. This will extend the usage of the available tile cards (e. g. I Need a button in my alarm tile card to trigger extra actions, like reset alarm memory).

It should be aesthetically equivalent to the cover open/close feature widget.


Fully support this idea. I have proposed a more generic way with some customization of the upper par of the card also:

And I found this project, that is doing what you are asking: