Service notify.mobile_app Gone

I have had an automation working fine for almost a year now, and all of a sudden it has stopped working. The automation uses the notify mobile app service to send me a notification on my iPhone when my daughter leaves school. An error in settings now tells me that the automation uses an unknown service notify.mobile_app_dougs_iphone12. My mobile app still works fine and my location is being tracked in HA using the same iphone. But, when I try and repair the automation, the notify.mobile_app_dougs_iphone12 is not listed. Not sure where it went or how to get it back.

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Go to Settings > Integrations > Mobile App and verify there is only 1 Doug’s iPhone. It’s possible you will find one called dougs_iphone12_2 … at least that’s what I have ran into previously. Usually after switching from the regular mobile app to the beta mobile app. But it could happen for any number of reasons… also if you go to Services, type “notify.mobile_app” and verify you only see what you expect in that list.

There is only one device with my phone’s name. If I go to services I see all the ios devices except for mine.

iOS 16 restricts the HA iOS app from retrieving the name of the phone, so you’ll end up with a generic service like notify.mobile_app_iphone. If you recently updated, that could be it.


That was it. I updated to iOS16 yesterday. Thanks!

I found this on another post and it worked for me… Was easier than going to all my automations and updating them…

Go into Settings in the mobile app
Select “Companion App” from the menu
Tap on my server at the top of the screen
Change “Device Name” to what it used to be (i.e., notify.mobile_app_DEVICE_NAME_HERE)
Exit settings
Force-close and restart the mobile app

@bowentz Your fix worked like a champ. I just had to figure out that I needed to go the the configuration errors and click submit on each one after I had made the change in the mobile app. Then the errors go away, and all is well again… I wish there was a way to mark your post as the solution, as the current marked solution is stating the cause…


This is THE solution. Updating the automations will not work since all my phones are listed in the same service name. Therefor it would be impossible to send a message to a specific phone.

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I’ve followed your solution and worked like a charm! Thank you :pray:

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This should be given in a warning popup in the ios app and/or in the Home Assistant Repair notification as a tip as many users will get it.

The popup just puzzled me (but in the end was still useful, don’t get me wrong).


THANK YOU!! Worked for me too!

I have the same issue, but with Pushover. It still works, but the error appears in the repair section for every automation.

Solution for Pushover
I needed to delete the integration and reinstall it. Now it works. It doesn’t use notify.iphone anymore, but instead uses notify.pushover. The device ist still called iPhone inside of Pushover. :man_shrugging:

The issue might be related.

I migrated to a new iPhone and had the same issue. This solution worked for me!
Thanks so much!

Perhaps not the same issue but most definitely related.

I’m new-ish to HA and have only recently installed it (and HACC, supervisor, the works). I’m trying to set up HA in such a way that seemingly simple tasks such as “turn on hall light when iPhone is in home zone and time is after sunset” are automated.

Oddly enough I can get the automation to work (by giving the run/execute command manually) but not the “trigger” of my iPhone having left/entered the home zone. When I check my phone’s entities and the device.tracker in particular it seems as if it never leaves the Home Zone. The history seems to show it’s always home…obviously I am not always at home. ATM I’m at work typing this with myphone nearby.

Could anyone give me a bit of guidance as to what I might be missing here?

FYI, I’ve enabled HomeKit integration in HA; not (yet) taken out the HA cloud subscription since I first want to see whether HA is actually the solution I would like bearing in mind my wife isn’t a huge fan of home automation to begin with (I suppose this is nothing new).

Thanks for your guidance,

I could not change the “Device Name” from the App. Change it via iPhone > Settings > General > About > Name.

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