Service 'say' options

I’m completly new into the voice notification business.

Therefore I was wondering what the options mentioned in the docs at Text-to-Speech (TTS) - Home Assistant are.

It only lists voice, motion, speed, etc..

a) What else?
b) How to set those?

The documentation seems to lack a bit of details here.

I found Supported voices and languages  |  Cloud Text-to-Speech Documentation  |  Google Cloud which gives the voices, but still no idea (see b)) how to set those.

service: tts.google_translate_say
  entity_id: media_player.tablet
  language: en
  message: This is a test, thank you for reading!
  options: abc-what-to-enter-here-xyz

@e-raser , did you get any luck with that?

also looking for this

I don’t use Google TTS, so this may not be what you need… has anyone tried Google’s Speach Synthesis Markup Language?

Yeah, that’s not it

Okay so I am not the only one with that question :slight_smile: ? So any updates?

Nope. But I have no further demand (beside an academic view) on knowing how to properly pass options in the service.

I’m currently working on my original use-case: