Set binary sensor value to 'off' if unknown value

I use a number of binary sensors to trigger automations for ventilation. These are comparing values from different sensors. Sometimes I experience issues with Netatmo, resulting in unknown sensorvalues in Home Assistant. When this happens my binary sensors goes to “on” and triggers automations while this is not necessarely.

The binary sensor codes looks like this:

  friendly_name: "Bathroom 1 high RH"
  icon_template: mdi:water-percent
  value_template: "{{ states('sensor.bathroom1_multisensor_6_relative_humidity') |int - states('sensor.netatmo_inside_humidity') |int > states('input_number.max_rh') |int }}"

Is it possible to define that the binary sensor should be set to “off” if for example Netatmo fails, and the values there is unknown?

I asked the same question tonight. Try this:

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That did the job, thanks!