Set previously consumed kwh in Energy Management

Hey all,

I just got done setting up the Glow ESPHome Integration for my powermeter.
Now I am wondering how I can set the total Energy to the current value of my powermeter to reflect the correct useage. Is that something I need to do within the energy dashboard to also set the date range when this energy was consumed?

Thanks for your help

The option does not seem to exist, but there are several Feature Request for it.
Please vote for all of them here:

ok thanks. I already voted but what about setting the Total Energy Sensor to a certain amount? That would already be enough for me.

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Hi, i’m also looking for a solution.
Is your Energy Sensor based on a Pulse Sensor in ESPHome?
… there is a service, where ich can set the total pulses, but it doesn’t work for me (… i’m a beginner in ESPHome).

It would be great if someone can explain how to initialize my sensor with the value of my real power meter

Hi Carsten,

I use the HomeAssistant Glow Project but no service is available where I can set the total pulses.
I will try with an Offset.