Set state of device tracker manually/ in automation

Is it possible to set the state of a device tracker based on another?

My iPhone provides my general presence detection, however it lags behind a bit and can be ~ 15 min behind when arriving home.

My iPhone is also tracked via my router and generally appears pretty quickly.

Is it possible to set an automation to have my location updated to home if the router detects me first and set the state of my presence detection?

I have automations all setup via my presence and this is built into a new version of the iCloud device tracker (not sure when it will be released) but I thought I would see if I could add something similar now.

You can use multiple device trackers in parallel; I’m doing that with Owntracks and Nmap.

The state will be determined by whatever source that reported last.

Any example of how I set it up?

For example if I have devices:


How do I make them both update device_tracker.iphone-icloud? I have all my automation looking at device_tracker.iphone-icloud and would prefer to not edit all of them (especially if the new icloud tracker will fix all this)

So my router reports home and then a minute later my iPhone still reports I’m away, will that change the state to away? It seems like they will be battling each other as they update.

Take a look at this thread, using template sensors to do this: