Set the Indicator Light on a Zooz ZEN32 Scene Controller button to Match the State of a Light

I have been looking for some assistance with this ZEN32 - for a long time. I hope that these Blueprints will give me what I want.

Thought I would share with the writers of said blueprints, I have discovered with the latest firmware for the ZEN32 - you get 3 more colors for the buttons. The latest FW adds Magenta, Yellow and Cyan to the color pool.


Just put a new 800 series model in my garage and saw that this doesn’t work with it. I put in a change to allow both the 700 and 800 series to work, will look into the additional colors in the firmware update

hi all,
new to HA and blueprint.
I quickly test ZEN32 (Z-Wave JS) to control lights and scenes. works. ill need to test with a door lock and a zen17, but I suspect it will work.

now I want the leds on the zen32 to match lights, scene, door lock and zen17 status. here are a few example:
_ if the door lock is lock, zen32 led to be green, unlock: red.
_ same with garage door: zen17 sensor status si open, zen32 button red, sensor closed: green
_ scene “basement” is
off (all basement lights off) zen32 button 1: white, button 2: off (button 1 been “basement off” and button 2 been “basement on”
on (all basement lights on) zen32 button 1: off, button 2: white
not or nor off: button 1 and 2 leds off.

I havent found a blueprint yet. anyone can help?