I’m trying to figure out a solution for the following idea:
I created a script that will put certain Z-Wave climate devices (thermostats) to a very low target temperature, being used whenever we want to open the windows and let fresh air in. I now want that script to put the thermostats back to their previous (aka before the script was fired manually) target temperature like after 20 minutes.
All I’m missing right now is a way to somehow save the various previous target temperatures of the affected thermostats to variables or so.
How can I retrieve the current target temperature (aka attribute) of a climate-device? Let’s say my climate was “climate.danfoss_devolo_home_control_radiator_thermostat_heating_1_3” - how do I retrieve the attribute target temperature (aka temperature)?
Do you have a physical field thermostat or are you using generic thermostat ?
Is it the one or is there one in each room ?
If so, how many rooms ?
Do you have sensors on the doors/windows you want to open ?
Why do you want to reset it to ‘previous’ rather than to a given daily profile based on : -
Doors/windows open 4, house unoccupied 14, night 16, day 18, evening 19 ?
I have a Z-Wave thermostat on every single radiator so I need to control every thermostat that is affected by airing (I hope this explains my setup any better ;)).
I’m not using any window sensors, that’s why I came up with the idea of a manually fired script.
I want to set the thermostat back to it’s previous target temperature so that one can change the target temperature as desired. If I don’t find any way to do so I might consider using a daily profile.
Okay, how about if you have an input boolean for each room you want to do this with.
AND you have an input number for current set temp, again in each room
Then you have a set temp for the window open (maybe zero ?)
So you set ib zimmer1 to ‘on’ and it changes from the current set temp for zimmer1 (it’s an input number so change as required) to the open window temp. You can have this on a timer if you like so the boolean reverts after an hour.
6 rooms would need 7 input numbers and 6 input booleans.
Clearly though you have a strong idea of what to do instead so just do that.