Setting HVAC mode in Generic Thermostat

I’m having some issues with the Generic Thermostat integration controlling my SONOFF TRV.

Not sure if my automation is sending the correct actions.

I can send actions to both:
climate.steves_office_heating_thermostat (SONOFF)
climate.steves_office_heating_2 (Generic)

set hvac mode to off or to heat
set target temperature
set presets.

I sometimes see the Generic Thermostat status (Heating) Heat and the SONOFF TRV (Idle) Heat which after a while leave me sitting in a cold room.

Are there actions that need to be effected on the TRV to ensure the Generic Thermostat works correctly?

You have a generic thermostat that controls the TRV but you send the command to both?

I don’t want to, but for example if the TRV is rotated, it will set the temp. Which the generic thermostat is not aware of.

So I guess the generic thermostat has an external sensor, that’s why you have it?
I can’t remember how my automation was but you can link the two so that when one is set the other follows.

But TRVs are battery powered end devices which means they sometimes don’t get the package.
I replaced them all because of this and all the hassle with batteries and being underpowered when the batteries got slightly low.

I don’t regret it for a second.
See this thread Zigbee / open thermostat controller without battery?

Yes, the generic thermostat seems to modify the TRV:

Control ‘2’ is the generic thermostat linked to the temperature measured on a Hue motion sensor. ‘Thermostat’ is the TRV where I currently set the target temperature to 30ºC to (hopefully) keep it open when set to heat mode.