Just tried to recreate your last screenshot with my own devices, no problem saving. There must be something else wrong with your configuration.
You’re going to have a hard time creating this automation using the editor. You’ll need a condition that looks at the last time the other device had a single click.
A or B detects single click
if A, check the last time B was single clicked. If in window, continue.
If B, check the last time A was single clicked. If in window, continue.
turn on all lights.
with that being said, I can help you with this, but I need to know how single clicks are sent from your device. Are they events? Is it a property on an entity?
So, ignoring devices, what entities are you working with? Go to the dev tools -> states page and take a screenshot of the entity that represents A and a screenshot that represents B. Include the attributes column.
hmm. strange. what should i look out for in configaration?
Thanksf or offtering to help! Interestingly the device does do a double click trigger when both buttons are pressed, instead of doing single click for A to check on be and B to check on A. Would that help?
This is addtional from teh MQTT page of my device, hope this helps!
The single/double click seems to be from MQTT trigger.
For Left Click
For Right Click
For Double Click
These are the entities that were the dev tools>States page.
Ok, perform a both_single click and tell me what the state (from the dev tools-> states page) of sensor.0x00158d00036d24f5_click is when that occurs.
filter the states list by the entity_id, then look at it while performing the double_click
Hi Petro! I’ve found a fixed.
Came across somewhere that mentioned that when migrating my existing automation into automations.yaml (before automations was excluded out of config.yaml). My old automation codes were copied into the automations.yaml with missing “id”. I added id to all my automations and restarted HASSIO. Went back to try and set up automations, according to the image below and it worked and finally saved!
Screenshot only showed two devices, but I’ve placed in all my switches (11 in total).
My next question will be. I notice that the automation is running all the devices in sqeuence. I was wondering if there is any mode to trigger all off at the same time as though I toggle lights off on the lovelace cards?
As for the states where you asked me to check earlier this was what I observed in case you were wondering if I’ve tried.
I couldn’t take a screenshot cause the states of “click:” appeared and disappeared when the click was done.
Before Click
power: 0
consumption: 4.93
temperature: 41
linkquality: 89
state_left: OFF
state_right: OFF
friendly_name: Back and Dining Lights
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
When Click is detected, this states flashes 1second
power: 0
consumption: 4.93
temperature: 41
linkquality: 89
state_left: OFF
state_right: OFF
click: both_single
friendly_name: Back and Dining Lights
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
After Click was detected
power: 22.86
consumption: 4.93
temperature: 41
linkquality: 89
state_left: ON
state_right: ON
friendly_name: Back and Dining Lights
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
When my automation kicks in
power: 0
consumption: 4.93
temperature: 41
linkquality: 89
state_left: OFF
state_right: OFF
friendly_name: Back and Dining Lights
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
well it looks like you got it figured out. It’s much easier when your device does the hard work for you with that nifty ‘both_single’ click option.
You can try to create a scene but typically something like this depends on your hardware & protocol.
Yes! defintely a lot easier than programme either on node or through states check. In fact this switch has the same automation function in their own software. Which was why i’m certain it will work. Just how to go about setting it. Only migrated from Aqara server over to my own MQTT recently and ONLY found out the the double click only gets added when I manually add the double click into MQTT but “joining” the device again for it to detect a double click trigger.
Alright noted on the scenes. I’ve been using HASSIO but not exploring much on scripts/ scenes. Will take some time to exploring it.
Thanks again for your help. You’ve been clear in your aid, appreciate it!