Setting up NWS since Dark sky is going away

as an FYI, I did get it working entering the info as mathewflamm posted above.

I’m not sure why the informational lines aren’t showing up in my UI config box. I even re-installed the custom component twice with the same result.

The built in weather card will be updated in 0.116 to display this type of forecast better.

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Hey @firstof9, are you seeing any issues with your custom weather-card on the latest version of HA?

I’m positive that it was working before but at some point it stopped and I never noticed because it just disappeared from the frontend. I get no errors at all - no red box saying not found and no errors in the browser console - it’s literally just not showing anything at all in the spot where it should be.

Ya I updated it on my repo to work with the changes to 0.116(?) when the webview’s changed.

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Fixed now. thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I try to install the NWS integration.
API key won’t accept anything.
Tried my email, tried random input.

It won’t connect:

Maak verbinding met de National Weather Service

Als er geen METAR-zendercode is opgegeven, worden de lengte- en breedtegraad gebruikt om het dichtstbijzijnde station te vinden.

Verbinding mislukt, probeer het opnieuw

API-sleutel (e-mail)


Are you in the US? I don’t think it works otherwise.

No, in Europe (Netherlands)
I just found out it won’t work outside the US.

I have the same problem. NWS integration not working for me in Europe. Would be nice to update the documentation and state, that this integration works only in the US.

Anyone can add to the documentation. Use the “edit” link on the page in question.

Hi, what is the easiest way to test if the API is working? Can I do this with a normal Browser. I could play around with my VPN to see if the assumption is correct. I do not want to change the documentation, based only on two data points.

Look at

Specifically the points/{point} endpoint. {point} is a lat,lon like 40,-100 (somewhere in the middle of the US).

Edit: click the Specification tab

Thanks. I played around with the lat/long coordinates. I seems the service is only available for US terrritory, which makes sense, after all it is called national weather service. I just thought originally that since metar station data is available for all stations, there might be some limited data for the whole world.

If you do not mind I would update the documentation.

@ MatthewFlamm

I’m sorry that I just found this post, but what you have here is exactly what I’m trying to accomplish with the weather.kxxx.daynight sensor. I’m currently able only to extract the first detailed forecast description, but what you have posted for your markdown card does not seem to work for me.

Is the image you posted based on some other NWS integration?
