@Catman I Created this thread because you’re not developing.
The user that is running HASS and upb-clib has access to the serial port? Did you try running something like screen /dev/ttyS0 4800 to see if things appear when you press light switches?
I can’t get upb-cli to install without serialport binding errors on raspberry pi jessie lite. Had to install node and npm, they were not present., I’ve tried several versions, all have issues with serialports.
upb-cli works with the exception of serial port commands (–send)
I can get the command codes with upb-cli, then create a python script to send them and that works fine.
And yes, I can capture upb codes with screen command
@bbrendon I hacked your hack and got around my issue with nodejs and serialports. I modified your upb.py a little to use upb-cli to only retrieve the upb command code, then sent the command to the serial port with a separate sub.
Now on to figuring out how to create a new component!