As I understand it, the pulse_counter
and pulse_meter
are similar, but not the same. In this post the differences are nicely explained.
Also, the pulse_counter
has more options to tweak the set-up, like count_mode
and use_pcnt
for ESP32 hardware support.
I am using the pulse_counter
for my water meter sensor.
Some small remarks to you code:
- multiply: 0.6 # (60s/100 pulses per kWh)
The value 0.6 is correct, but the remark should be something like:
- multiply: 0.6 # (60 minutes per hour / 100 pulses per kWh)
I think this is also wrong on the ESPHome Pulse Counter Documentation page.
name: 'Energy'
- multiply: 0.001
This multiply value probably has to 0.01 in your case because your sensor delivers 100 pulses per kWh.
I think this is correct if you want to set the counter to 9000 kWh with 100 pulses per kWh.