Severe Weather Alerts from the US National Weather Service



Looks OK to me.

I really don’t see a need. It’s been working as-is for years. I hate to add stuff, especially personally identifiable info like email, unless it’s absolutely necessary.

And this leads me to believe it’s not really necessary (emphasis mine):


A User Agent is required to identify your application. This string can be anything, and the more unique to your application the less likely it will be affected by a security event. If you include contact information (website or email), we can contact you if your string is associated to a security event. This will be replaced with an API key in the future.

do you have another link that says it’s required?

No I was just kinda of planning ahead for the "This will be replaced with an API key in the future." quip.

I have the PR in, but would need someone to test YAML config.

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Quick note, you might consider changing “Zone ID” to “County/Zone ID” since they are distinctly different items both contained within that option.

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Feel free to make review comments on the PR :slight_smile:

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When can we get access to the beta?

You can pull the code from my branch if you like manually, or wait for the PR to be merged into finity’s repo :slight_smile:

If I remember correctly I think that’s been in there ever since I started using the old rest sensor version in the beginning. They don’t seem to be too intent on changing it very quickly. :laughing:

I’ll get it checked out as soon as I can.

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I tested the yaml config and it seems to work fine.

I tweaked the verbiage a bit again (reverted the change to add the “County ID” part but added it later in the parenthesis) but other than that everything seemed to be OK in my test HA platform.

Thanks everyone for the help on this.

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I just published a new release so it should show up in HACS soon. I think the new HACS update interval is every six hours so it may take a bit to show up.


I’m very happy that this system works for me. I have one question, if I may. I get notifications on all mobile devices in the home, however, I’m not getting any updates/notifications via media devices. Where do I update that for google home devices ?

The integration itself doesn’t set up any notifications or announcements. You need to set those up yourself via the standard HA automation methods.

the package I include at the repo is just there to get you started with examples of how this integration can be used. So I assume you have used that to get any notifications in the first place?

I don’t use Google Home so I have no idea if GH can do TTS like Alexa Media Player can (which is what the package uses for the TTS functionality).

@Bryan_Fleming & @PrayerfulDrop

I assume no news is good news and that the updated integration is working for you as expected?

No errors but we haven’t had any weather here is AZ. So no way to truly test it.

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And I guess, just like news, no weather is good weather, too. :wink:


Sorry to go dark there, was on the water and had very little access to reply. The basic system is working great. So, I’ll look at adding the TTS for google to my config. I thought I saw at one itteration of your config a section for TTS and did not see that in the last pull I made.

But truly, once again, thanks to all of you, especially you @finity for making this possible and staying on it with all the breaking changes that HA can institute.

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Plenty of dam releases however that trigger the zone ID alerts lol

I am seeing a NWS Alerts and a NWS Alerts 2. I am using your package.yaml too. Should there be (2) of these sensors?

I have the integration loaded for ZoneID and using the GPS, ZoneID for more generalized alerts, and GPS for those NWS polygons.

So if you’ve added zoneID and GPS, then yes, you’ll have 2 sensors.

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If you only did the upgrade then it might have created a second instance of the sensor and not removed the first one.

if the first one says ‘unavailable’ then just remove that one and then rename the second one removing the “_2” from the end and it should be fine. I’ve had that happen a few times when upgrading.

but if you created a second instance of the sensor using both the zone and gps then that’s normal. you can rename the second one to whatever you want.