Severe Weather Alerts

If you use AppDaemon I started writing a quick and dirty app. It hasn’t really been tested, as the severe weather has moved out of our area so I won’t be able to test it well until we have more severe weather.

It’s firing a special hadashboard event that I custom coded into hadashboard. Most people would want it to call some kind of notify service instead.

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Now that Weather Underground may not be continuing their API after the end of the year, does anyone know of a solution to continue receiving severe weather alerts?

Please don’t post the same question in multiple places.

Seriously? I’m being scolded because I found a couple of other existing threads started by, and being potentially followed by, different people and decided to ask the same question to THOSE people?

And besides I’m the OP of this thread.

Not to mention the fact that I’ve started several threads recently with perfectly reasonable questions that haven’t garnered even one response between them. So I guess I assumed that the chances of me being answered in a new thread about this topic would likely yield similar results. So far I’m not wrong.

The only reply I’ve gotten is yours telling me I shouldn’t post the same question in a couple of different relevant threads.


So please tell me the appropriate amount of time to wait before I ask the same question again in different threads if I get zero answers to that question.

Because you’re not helping get answers, and you’re increasing the odds of wasting people’s time.

Maybe you’ve not got answers because nobody has an answer? This time around your question is one where knowing where the world you are matters, and probably nobody’s answered (yet) because without that information they can’t help you.

I’m sure you won’t be surprised but I disagree…:wink:

“Because you’re not helping get answers”

I’m not helping get answers for who? For me? For others?

If I post in a couple of different existing threads on the exact topic I want answers to then that increases the odds of the exposure to more people (who have already shown that they have at least some interest in the topic by their participation in that thread) to try to get the answer that I’m seeking. And if one of those people gives the answer then it not only helps me get an answer to my question now but also helps others who later might try to do a search before posting the same question again (which I did and couldn’t find an answer).

“and you’re increasing the odds of wasting people’s time”

Whose time am I wasting?

The 3 people who are going to see this thread who get a notification because they have previously replied to this thread so had shown some interest in the topic?

The 2 people in the other existing thread that had an open unanswered question in which one of the members specifically said they might be able to get a working integration so I asked if they had gotten anywhere with it since the last time they posted about it ten months ago? Maybe cgarwood still never got an answer to his request there and, therefore, it wouldn’t be wasting their time if they got an answer to a question they had previously asked.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed the amount of questions here about the most BASIC of topics that have been asked and answered repeatedly and that a simple search would have found 50 different posts that contain the exact answer they are looking for. Or not… Either way it’s simply the nature of the forum to have people ask the same questions over and over again. I may be adding a small amount to that but in my view even though the questions are similar they different enough that I think it adds some usefulness.

Besides this is my thread i started five months ago. Maybe things have changed since I started the thread. Which they have since WU is discontinuing their service.

“Maybe you’ve not got answers because nobody has an answer?”

I can accept that sometimes there truly is no answer but that is usually the great exception rather than the common rule.

Case in point - A few weeks back I had a question about the updater component not working (The updater component isn't working in Docker). I asked the same question in 3 different threads I started every couple of weeks or so but I never got one reply. Then I got creative with the topic of the thread so it would get peoples attention and suddenly I got the answer to my question. I figured somebody had to know the answer but there is just too much new stuff on the forum to keep track of so lots of threads get dropped thru the cracks unless the topic is especially interesting to people. I made it so it was interesting and got the answer I was looking for. Then wouldn’t you know 28 days later somebody else popped in to that thread and said that they had the same problem and benefited from the answer I got. I doubt that person thought it was wasting anyone’s time that I had asked the same question 4 times in 4 different threads! You’re welcome!

And for anyone who finds this thread in the future and thinks I wasted their time, I truly apologize.

Now back to our regularly scheduled topic…

“This time around your question is one where knowing where the world you are matters, and probably nobody’s answered (yet) because without that information they can’t help you.”

and now after all of the hubbub we finally get back to the question at hand and you have provided a useful follow up question that I hadn’t thought of. Thanks! :grinning:

the answer is I’m located in the Midwest of the US.

I was hoping that @turboc had come up with the NWS integration that he said he would try to work on in the other feature request thread i posted to. That would be the perfect solution to this problem (at least for people in the US) because we wouldn’t have to rely on third party companies discontinuing a free service to people in the future.

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Wow, I feel like a sh!t now. I got lazy and didn’t do what I said I was going to do and it escalated to this LOL. I started looking at it last night ( before this thread was posted ). I need some severe weather to test with. :slight_smile:

Eh, no skin off my teeth. :smile:

I never meant any negativity toward you in my replies above. Sorry if you took it that way.

Thanks for looking into this again, Tho. A little friendly nudge never hurts, right? :wink:

Hopefully you’ll never get any bad weather to test it with tho. I’ll be glad to help all I can.

No problem, I didn’t take it that way. The thing with the multiple posts cuts both ways. Sometimes you have to post things multiple times to get the right title to get attention to it. But when the devs and other people supporting the forum see the same message from the same person three or four different times during a week, it does get a little annoying. I don’t go through the forums as much as I should so it doesn’t bother me that much, but Tinkerer is on a lot and does try to help a lot. So I can see where it may get a little annoying. But you gotta do what you gotta do to keep things running. I actually didn’t see this post till you tagged me in it. I saw another of your posts on it and that got me working on it again.

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That I have less of an issue with than posting the same question in multiple places just minutes apart.

“Now that Weather Underground may not be continuing their API after the end of the year, does anyone know of a solution to continue receiving severe weather alerts?”

“With the demise of the WUnderground API and the associated alert functionality, what are HA users moving to to get severe weather alerts?”

"I know this is really old but did you ever get the NWS alerts working?

Weather Underground isn’t likely to be working any longer after the end of the year and having a backup is very desirable."

those aren’t the same question… They deal with a similar topic but they are’t the same question.

Is there a forum rule about this that I can reference the next time I have a question and I’m wondering if it might “annoy a dev”?

Will it make you feel less annoyed if I delete the post from yesterday (if I can even do that)? But without there being a new thread on this topic I’m not sure how many other people who might have another suggestion will see this thread and reply here seeing as this thread is 5 months old. I know I wouldn’t have seen it since I only look at new threads or threads I’m already previously tracking, and I barely have enough time to watch those threads as it is. So by deleting it you immediately cut the number of people who see a new post about this topic to ~5. That doesn’t seem very practical.

I’m really not trying to be a jerk but I’m honestly surprised that it’s turned into this much of an issue. It’s not like I abuse the forum on a daily basis. In the 13 moths I’ve been on here how many times has this happened? I don’t know of any.

Really? Because you’re acting like one.

You turned it into one. I asked you once to not post the same question multiple times - to avoid wasting other people’s time. The problem with posting the same question (and sure, the words were slightly different, but it’s the same question) in multiple places is that some people will see one, and answer that. Then others will be unaware that you’ve got an answer, and try to help you in the other one.

Post your work here. I’ll help test it. I’m in Texas… we always have severe weather.

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+1 I am also looking at automating this. I was looking for a long time for the list of possible types.
@Coolie1101 where did you find that list?

I am not using AppDeamon, so I think I will end up with template sensors and display them all in lovelace with a filter card (weather alerts is not 0).
Still need to test, but I hope Lovelace will not go mad on me for having sensors that have no state…

If somebody knows another workaround, please share. :wink:

I am personally glad you are asking. I find this a bit more important than what color hue my new light bulb should be.

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And for everyone that still uses WU until it goes away there is a good website that gives an example on how to make persistent notifications in HA.

If you haven’t seen it here it is:

I’ve made a few modifications to it to better work for my specific use. If you’re interested I can post the code but It’s mostly based on his work from the link above.

I’ve got a working pushbullet notification and a persistent notification on every page of the front end along with a (likely…) working announcement from my Echo dots. The dot announcement I just came up with recently and have only tested it with a simulated message that I created to test the search feature I implemented to only announce the real severe stuff instead of “it’s foggy outside” in the middle of the night. :smile:

And the announcement idea was the first thing of home automation that finally got my wife to say “wow, that’s a really good idea!”.

@Dixey @finity For what it’s worht: if you happen to live in Europe, you can try to use, which is where WU gets his European data from.
That in combination with could be a hit I think.

I certainly am going to check this out…

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Thanks for the info! Unfortunately, it won’t help us since I’m in Indiana and Dixey is in Texas. But I’m sure it will be of great use to others.

I’ve been looking at the NWS api and it’s nothing like the WU underground so there isn’t much to be salvaged. How exactly do you use this? Are you using it with the AD Dashboard, or just to put a persistent notification on the HA page? One thing that was sort of in the old one was the ability to have it send the alert to a speaker. I have a app that lets me send messages to my Alexa’s. I’m going to add this to it, but if you don’t need it I won’t add it into version 1. Thanks

I have been using, and found extremely stable, the Alexa TTS addon from:

if you are taking requests. :slight_smile: