Severe Weather Alerts

No problem. It made me get off my backside and switch my app over to NWS.

I know your intentions were good. I’m not saying they were not.

Have a good day

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Thanks, again.

Once you get the code switched over make sure you post a link, please. I’m not against using AD. I’ve just never used it before. But if it’s the only way to move forward on this topic I may breakdown and learn it. :wink:

And from the responses I’ve gotten here and on my other new thread (zero replies so far…) it looks like that may be the only option.

Looking at the DarkSky API I see you can request “Alerts” . I noticed in the HA darksky sensor addon “Alerts” are not addressed yet nearest_storm_ distance and nearest_storm_bearing can be requested, are functional, but not mentioned in the addon documentation.
Yes, there is a storm 23 miles to the NW of us right now.

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I just finally had as chance to test the alexa TTS part of that automation I posted above (severe thunderstorm warning only luckily) and It didn’t work exactly as I expected.

When I put the message in a template it rendered perfectly but in the automation it read everything out word for word including the states.sensor… part.

I forgot I needed it to be a data_template to render the speech correctly. So you need to change the action: section to the following:

    - service: media_player.alexa_tts
          - media_player.computer_room_dot
          - media_player.kitchen_dot
          - media_player.livingroom_dot
          - media_player.master_bedroom_dot
        message: "Warning! Warning! The National Weather Service has issued a 
        {{ states.sensor.pws_alerts.attributes.Description }} for your area. 
        It expires at {{ states.sensor.pws_alerts.attributes.Expires }}."

Now it renders the speech exactly right.

My wife thought it was funny when Alexa started talking and said “dot” every other word! :smile:

I just posted a new topic with a working set up that allows for notifications to replace the WU component.

You can find it here:

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And I created one for Europe, based on website. I used RodeNed to capture all the data from the website and publish over MQTT to HASS.

You can find it here:

I use a sensor for severe weather alerts from the national weather service. I have stopped using Weather Underground almost entirely. I have switch to darksky for everything except my current radar image and loop (looking for a replacement for these)


  • platform: weatheralerts
    sameid: !secret nws_sameid

I have been waiting for some severe weather so an alert goes off, and will draft an automation in Node-Red. Since the content may vary for what I would be looking for (i am particularly interested in high wind alerts), but someone else might want to key in on other values.
Node-Red would be good at parsing and directing the automation based on the information.

Hope this helps. I would also be interested to see what anyone else is doing for this and replacing wunderground.

Did you actually read the thread?

There was a solution to the original question that I already posted two posts above yours.

Here is the link to that thread again:

You will need to read that thread all the way to the end, also, because there were changes made in later posts to the original project.

damn, came here to find answers and have to read an admin name calling.