This is what I did.
Here you find the code:
Regards Mike
Hi all
I am beginner user HA. Can you give me full manual step by step how add more than defualt themes ? I want add themes which is presented on this topic…
I just add them into a file called frontend.yaml
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-floorplan.html
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-sstvremote.html
javascript_version: latest
#Color List
make-light-carbon: "#93A5AB"
make-carbon: "#111924"
make-grey: "#DEE5E7"
make-green: "#C2DD08"
blah blah blah
# Main Stuff #
primary-color: "#1DE9B6" # Primary (most of the UI)
primary-background-color: "#303030" # Primary background colour (dialogs, e.t.c)
secondary-background-color: "#303030" # Secondary background colour (main UI background)
blah blah blah
and call it from configuration.yaml with …
frontend: !include frontend.yaml
Thanks for reply
But if I want ads more than one theme how put it to frontend.yaml file?
Can you share your theme cyan ?
My example shows how to add more than one theme
Thanks I added more than one theme. Thanks
Trying to use this REALLY NICE theme but something went wrong so i can’t se the devices names in the logbook! Any ideas what to change?
is there an overview of built-in colors we can use out of the box? red, green, white yellow seem to work when creating a theme, but grey or brown not.
Other then specifying the colors like this “#4e4e4e” id love to read which colors are builtin so to speak.
What did you use for your floorplan? I used sketchup, I’m just not happy with it.
Luckily our home builder had our floorplans available as an svg file on their website. So I just grabbed them and modified.
Since all themes I saw were using codes instead of names I thought that wasn’t possible. (Have to check why Grey and Brown didn’t stick at first, showing alright now)
Why on earth isn’t this the standard for using colors in Hassio. So much easier and humanely understandable …?
Because you are limited to 140 colours, where as with the numbers 16milion colours.
Can someone tell me how I can add fonts? I have a ttf file with a font that I would like to use in my frontend.
lol, sure, i see. And understand, of course. Still hard pressed if not sufficient colors available in these 140…
Hi @daxm
Have you solved your “questions”?
I’d like, as you, to change the color of charts and for the following icons and “slide” rules.
Which variables are controlling this items or are they hard coded?
Thank you very much for your help
This is my dashboard at the moment, I’m still working on the theme, but I think most of what I want to change isn’t possible with the current theme engine
How can I add a theme ?
i made a file x.yaml. In config.yaml I hadde themes: !include theme_x.yaml . What do I have to wright in frontend: ?
I have this error : homeassistant.config:Invalid config for [homeassistant]: [themes] is an invalid option for [homeassistant].